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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> May 27, 1997 <br /> • Page 8 <br /> 1 1. Tollefson. <br /> 2 Morrison reported the City has closed on the Tollefson property. There are a lot of <br /> 3 Tollefson's belongings remaining in the building and Mr. Tollefson has been given <br /> 4 until Thursday to remove it. Plans are for the building to be demolished Tuesday, <br /> 5 June 3, 1997. <br /> 6 2. SAV 2 Update. <br /> 7 Morrison reported the schedule is as follows: June 3rd - bids due; June 9th - award <br /> 8 bids and call for bond sale; June 10 - close on the property; July 8 - award bond sale; <br /> 9 June 20 to October 20 - construction. Mornson reported the budget for the project is <br /> 10 $650,000; $50,000 for architect/legal, $50,000 for shelving, signs, and asbestos, and <br /> 11 $550,000 for construction. This will result in payments of$80,000 per year (the same <br /> 12 amount which would be paid if leased) and the building being paid off in 15 years. <br /> 13 3. Lot 4 Development. <br /> 14 Morrison reported Freedom Gas has proposed a Conoco gas station and car wash for <br /> 15 Lot 4 of the Apache Plaza development. The applicant has applied for a conditional <br /> 16 use permit for the gas station and car wash. There currently is an asphalt curb <br /> 17 between the Tires Plus building and Lot 4. If the development occurs as planned, the <br /> 18 asphalt curb may be removed at a later date and a concrete curb installed. <br /> aMornson explained the drainage from the Tires Plus building will include a catch basin <br /> 20 with a pipe and another catch basin directing the water to the storm water holding <br /> 21 pond. The other 50% of the water from the Tires Plus site will drain into a grid <br /> 22 chamber. The City is still negotiating responsibility of the cost of the drainage with <br /> 23 Ste. Marie Company and OPUS. <br /> 24 Mayor Ranallo stated he did not feel the City of St. Anthony needed another car wash. <br /> 25 Enrooth stated he did not feel the City of St. Anthony needed another gas station. <br /> 26 Faust stated he felt it was standard procedure to include a car wash with a gas station. <br /> 27 He noted that a market analysis had most likely been performed which indicated the <br /> 28 City could sustain another gas station/car wash/convenience store in this location. <br /> 29 Marks stated he was uncomfortable that the City was not provided with the market <br /> 30 analyses which were performed for the developers. He felt the City should be <br /> 31 informed as to the results of these studies. <br /> 32 4. June 2, 1997 - Park Information Meeting, <br /> 33 Mornson noted a memo from Director of Public Works with regard to improvements <br /> 34 to Silver Point Park. The basketball stand and ball hoops will be replaced along with <br /> several maintenance corrections including installation of a childrens swing set. These <br /> W costs are included in the Capital Improvement Budget. Mark Flaten, League of <br />