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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> July 22, 1997 <br /> • Page 9 <br /> 1 Mr. Willenbring explained the table of contents outlines what the Plan covers. The <br /> 2 Establishment of Goals and Policies outlines how WSB thinks the City will want to react to <br /> 3 issues that arise. He stated he felt it was reasonably complete and in conformance with the <br /> 4 Rice Creek Watershed District requirements. He stated that essentially the Implementation <br /> 5 Portion of the Plan was complete with the exception of the most recent storm water issues <br /> 6 resulting from the July 1 storm. <br /> 7 Mr. Todd Hubmer, WSB Associates, stated the Plan would be submitted to both Watershed <br /> 8 Districts and the Metropolitan Council. It may also be a good idea to submit the Plan to the <br /> 9 surrounding cities as they, are currently experiencing the same problems as the City of St. <br /> 10 Anthony. <br /> 11 Mr. Hubmer explained the Implementation Portion of the Plan included three sections. The <br /> 12 first table is Capital Improvements for Stormwater Drainage. This addresses the physical <br /> 13 changes the City requires to address the problems that have been brought forward. The two <br /> 14 projects which have been identified are as follows: That as part of the City's street <br /> 15 reconstruction efforts, the City will replace or repair all necessary components of the storm <br /> 16 water conveyance systems and investigate options to minimize existing street ponding efforts; <br /> 17 and Implementation of findings of the 1997 storm sewer/water management task force as <br /> 18 approved by the City Council. <br /> I& The second table is Stormwater Management Programs. The efforts identified are as follows: <br /> 20 Street Sweeping; Implement Stormwater System Maintenance Plan; Public Education; Erosion <br /> 21 Control Ordinances; and Continue Catch Basin Stenciling Program at Silver Lake. <br /> 22 The third table is Stormwater Management Studies. The efforts identified are as follows: <br /> 23 Create Task Force to Investigate Flooding Problems Associated with the July 1, 1997 Storm; <br /> 24 Feasibility Study for Improving Water Quality in Silver Lake; and Feasibility Study fro <br /> 25 Reducing Drainage Impacts to Central Park Users. <br /> 26 Mayor Ranallo asked Mr. Hubmer if he had any comments in regard to the surface storm <br /> 27 water situation in St. Anthony. <br /> 28 Mr. Hubmer stated he agreed with the findings of Barr Engineering and RCM Engineers. He <br /> 29 suggested however, there may be other avenues that could be explored. <br /> 30 Momson noted that WSB worked with quite a few other communities which provided internal <br /> 31 funding. He asked if Mr. Willenbring had any suggestions in this area. <br /> 32 Mr. Willenbring stated the solutions of ponding and larger pipes are appropriate solutions, <br /> 33 however, there may be more innovative ways to solve the problem. He suggested the City <br /> 34 needs to define their level of liability. <br /> 05 Faust asked if Mr. Hubmer knew at what elevation erosion would occur in Silver Lake. <br />