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1 <br /> City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> July 22, 1997 <br /> • Page 11 <br /> 1 Faust reported his attendance last Sunday at a Silver Lake Residents Association meeting. <br /> 2 The problems discussed were high water level and erosion. He noted that WSB had <br /> 3 mentioned an erosion ordinance. He questioned if this might be an appropriate solution. He <br /> 4 also noted the storm water drains need to be kept clear and open, the rip rap on the road on <br /> 5 Silver Lake has not yet been completed, and the outlet to the spring is full of stuff. Faust <br /> 6 noted a letter that Doug Jones had sent to the City of Columbia Heights which suggested a <br /> 7 cascade aerator and a fishing pier. <br /> 8 Mornson reported he had met with the Columbia Heights City Manager with regard to an <br /> 9 ordinance regulating the operation of watercraft on Silver Lake. Columbia Heights has <br /> 10 installed a sign asking boaters to slow down and is hoping to achieve results through <br /> 11 volunteer efforts. They feel if the City of St. Anthony feels strongly about the issue, they <br /> 12 should propose a solution. A permanent ordinance would not be permitted because the DNR <br /> 13 would not approve it. Morrison noted a Joint Powers Agreement would also be required. <br /> 14 Morrison suggested residents, and the City Managers of Columbia Heights and St. Anthony <br /> 15 should get together to discuss the issue. <br /> 16 Faust questioned what was so difficult about a joint powers agreement or an ordinance. <br /> 17 Morrison stated Columbia Heights had questioned who would enforce an ordinance and stated <br /> 4Vthat they do not feel it is a big problem as there are not a lot of boats on the lake. <br /> 19 There was Council consensus to continue to pursue this issue with the City of Columbia <br /> 20 Heights and the DNR. <br /> 21 Faust reported that Representative McGuire had suggested the possibility that flood expenses <br /> 22 could exceed the levy limits if necessary. <br /> 23 Enrooth reported his attendance at a meeting of the Middle Mississippi Watershed District on <br /> 24 July 10. Enrooth also reported his attendance at a Villagefest meeting last evening. He stated <br /> 25 the planning is proceeding and the group will run the activities on August 2 and also the <br /> 26 parade but he is not sure what will exist after that. He stated he was concerned with the <br /> 27 burnout of the group. <br /> 28 F. Maw <br /> 29 Mayor Ranallo stated he had also attended the Villagefest Meeting. He asked that City <br /> 30 Manager provide a means for members of the festivity to gain entrance to the City Hall <br /> 31 during that event. <br /> 32 Mayor Ranallo also noted he had spoken to City Manager regarding the rip rap on Silver <br /> 33 Lake. <br /> G. Cil_ Manager. <br /> V,5 1. Liquor Store Update <br />