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CC MINUTES 09231997
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City Council Minutes
CC MINUTES 09231997
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> September 23, 1997 <br /> • Page 6 <br /> 1 believed that if the City did not act quickly, they would be jeopardizing the opportunity for <br /> 2 relief assistance from the State of Minnesota. <br /> 3 Ms. Kozarek displayed a letter from Senator John Marty dated September 17, 1997 which <br /> 4 stated that there would be some State assistance to affected residents in the metropolitan area. <br /> 5 Ms. Kozarek reported that the FEMA inspector had been in the community and has <br /> 6 determined that the homes are too damaged to be eligible for grant money. They could <br /> 7 however provide assistance in the amount of $600 per month but St. Anthony residents do not <br /> 8 qualify for this as their income is too high. Ms. Kozarek stated she had filed an appeal on <br /> 9 this decision. <br /> 10 Ms. Kozarek reported that low interest SBA loans are not available to the residents of St. <br /> 11 Anthony because they do not have flood insurance. She stated she has submitted a special <br /> 12 request of waiver for the Flood Insurance Program. <br /> 13 John Kuharski, 2709 Pahl Avenue NE, rioted that all members of the Council had received a <br /> 14 copy of the Report. He proceeded to outline the individual sections of the Report. <br /> 15 Mr. Kuharski explained that the purpose of Section 1 was to identify which residents are <br /> eligible for assistance. The Task Force wants to be certain that all residents have the <br /> OP7 opportunity to respond and are suggesting that some sort of notice be sent to residents and <br /> 18 that this also be published in the St. Anthony newsletter. <br /> 19 Marks asked if the intent of Section 1 was to compile a database. <br /> 20 Mr. Kuharski stated that was the intent. <br /> 21 Wagner noted this had been done by the Fire Department. <br /> 22 Mr. Kuharski stated the,Task Force was not entirely certain that the City had.been in touch <br /> 23 with everyone that was affected. <br /> 24 Morrison stated he felt the residents had been surveyed to the best of the City's ability. Three <br /> 25 firemen spent one week surveying residents and it was announced in the newsletter. He stated <br /> 26 he has received approximately 54 responses. <br /> 27 Mike Jacobs, 2914-29th Avenue NE, suggested notice be included on the water bill. <br /> 28 Mr. Kuharski explained that Section 2 outlines what expenses are eligible for reimbursement. <br /> 29 This would include out of pocket expenses and additional expenses incurred that are directly <br /> 30 related to the flood. It also explains that reimbursement will be made of the marketable value <br /> as of July 1, 1997 and that funding received from other sources would be deducted from the <br /> 2 eligible amount of reimbursement. <br />
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