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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> • May 12, 1998 <br /> Page 12 <br /> 1 Mayor Ranallo stated that he and City Manager had met with Mr. Rolek and School Board <br /> 2 President Rick Dunn. He assured Ms. Wolff that no matter what was done at Central Park, it <br /> 3 would go to the School Board for discussion before any decision is made. <br /> 4 Ms. Wolff stated she believed it would be easier if the School Board were included at the <br /> 5 discussion level rather than at the presentation level. She noted there was discussion on the <br /> 6 Parks Task Force that the stakeholders of the parks such as the Sports Booster and Community <br /> 7 Service, should serve on the Parks Commission as a liaison or ex-officio. Another <br /> 8 recommendation was that there be a student member,possibly a non-voting member, to bring a <br /> 9 different perspective to the Commission. She also recommended that when Council determines <br /> 10 the members they consider the geographic location of each member to obtain perspectives from <br /> 11 each area of the City. <br /> 12 Mayor Ranallo noted the Council had discussed the geographical issue. This will probably be <br /> 13 considered during the selection process. Ranallo noted that since the Parks Task Force <br /> 14 recommended the Parks Commission, he has received calls from the Sports Boosters, Early <br /> 15 Childhood Care, hockey, softball, and adult programs, all wanting to be involved. He noted that <br /> 16 the meetings will be open to the public and suggested that the Commission remain with 7 <br /> 17 members and the other interested parties attend the meetings and offer their input. <br /> q1Ms. Wolff stated that all the activities were covered between the Sports Boosters and the <br /> 19 Community Service Advisory Council. <br /> 20 Thuesen stated one danger is that the Commission will contain members who have a single <br /> 21 agenda. It is important to appoint people to the Commission who have a broad perspective and <br /> 22 an open mind of the whole concept. <br /> 23 Ms. Wolff stated the stakeholders need not be voting members. <br /> 24 Thuesen stated that the Commission meetings will be open meetings and anyone interested can <br /> 25 attend and express their opinion. <br /> 26 Ms. Wolff stated the Parks Task Force had felt strongly about the recommendation of ex-officio <br /> 27 or advisory members. <br /> 28 Marks noted there are a number of issues with the Park Commission which are similar to the <br /> 29 process of choosing members of the Planning Commission. The Council would like to chose <br /> 30 geographically but it depends on who is interested and who applies for the positions available. <br /> 31 He suggested that the issues will change with time but that the momentum that has been achieved <br /> 32 must be maintained. The major job is to get one park redeveloped and he was not certain that <br /> this was quite the same as a stakeholder being concerned with a single issue. He stated he <br /> suspected that a number of the people on the Commission will be members of the Parks Task <br /> 35 Force. <br />