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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> • May 12, 1998 <br /> Page 14 <br /> 1 Mornson explained this will be determined at their first meeting by the by-laws. The Parks <br /> 2 Commission has the same by-laws as the Planning Commission. <br /> 3 Cavanaugh asked if there were by-laws to establish an annual joint meeting of the Parks <br /> 4 Commission and the City Council. <br /> 5 Mornson stated there was not. <br /> 6 Cavanaugh suggested an annual joint meeting should be added to the by-laws. He asked if there <br /> 7 was a term limit for the Parks Commission or the Planning Commission. <br /> 8 Mornson stated there was not. <br /> 9 Cavanaugh suggested term limits should be considered to ensure good turn over. <br /> 10 Marks stated this has been considered in the past but there has never been a problem. If a <br /> 11 member of a Commission is not providing proper input to the Council it is up to the Council to <br /> 12 address that issue. He stated the Council has never had to face this issue as they have had good <br /> 13 people on the Planning Commission for long periods of time. <br /> 4kCavanaugh questioned what 306.04 Vacancies (b) Disability, meant., <br /> 15 Marks stated this meant when a person was disabled to the point that they could no longer <br /> 16 perform the service. <br /> 17 Cavanaugh suggested this point be reworded. He noted there would be public invitation for <br /> 18 application and asked if qualifications would be checked. <br /> 19 Mornson answered affirmatively. <br /> 20 Cavanaugh asked if expenses were reimbursed and if this should be stated in the Ordinance. He <br /> 21 then questioned 306.06 Powers and Duties (d) and asked if these were the only cooperative <br /> 22 arrangements which could be explored. <br /> 23 Mayor Ranallo stated this was a recommendation of the Parks Task Force and was meant to be a <br /> 24 visionary statement. <br /> 25 Marks suggested the words "such as" could be inserted to make it a more general statement. <br /> 26 Cavanaugh questioned 306.06 Powers and Duties (e) and asked what type of direction this was <br /> providing the Commission. He asked if they could also investigate sources of capital. <br /> 28 Mayor Ranallo stated it could be both. <br />