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CC MINUTES 06231998
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CC MINUTES 06231998
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> June 23, 1998 <br /> Page 10 <br /> 1 Mr. Hubmer stated this would not adversely affect the water table because it will drop the ground <br /> 2 elevation three feet. He did not believe this plan was much different than the previous plan but <br /> 3 noted that the previous plan did not show the location of the homes. The wetland area is right <br /> 4 along the edge of the property line of the park. <br /> 5 Allan Otte, 3508 Skycroft Drive, explained that this plan is different in that it includes a 4-1 <br /> 6 slope which eliminates the need for a berm which would trap water on the property. This is a <br /> 7 better approach. <br /> 8 Mr. Johnson again asked if this would affect the water table and noted that sump pumps in this <br /> 9 area run everyday whether-it has or has not rained. <br /> 10 Mr. Hubmer stated this would not increase the problem. <br /> 11 Mr. Harding asked why the water has to be directed to open fields rather than the storm sewer. <br /> 12 Mr. Hubmer explained that the sewer does not have the capacity to carry the water so there has to <br /> 13 be a place to store the water until the storm sewer can handle it. <br /> Sandy Maxwell, 3540 Skycroft Drive, asked if all this standing water would create a mosquito- <br /> s haven. She had thought that the holding pond was located further from the homes. <br /> 16 Mr. Hubmer stated the area of a potential breeding ground for mosquitoes is very small. It would <br /> 17 be the open ditch area which is only 1 foot by 10 foot. There will not be standing water in the <br /> 18 dry pond. <br /> 19 Mrs. Maxwell asked if a mesh could be placed over the hole for safety. <br /> 20 Mr. Hubmer explained that a 4-1 slope is not steep. He did not believe that there was a safety <br /> 21 concern. <br /> 22 Mr. Maxwell, 3540 Skycroft Drive, noted that all but two of the properties in this area along the <br /> 23 border of the park slope to the park. <br /> 24 Mr. Hubmer explained that an existing grass swale behind those two properties will be enlarged <br /> 25 so that the water will drain to the swale instead of the yards. <br /> 26 Marks noted that the layout of the ballfields as shown is significantly different than currently <br /> 27 exists. <br /> Mr. Hubmer stated the ballfields will remain in their current location. <br />
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