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CC MINUTES 04112000
City Council
City Council Minutes
CC MINUTES 04112000
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> April 11, 2000 <br /> • <br /> Page 8 <br /> 1 Mr. Tankenoff began by stating that the bus tour scheduled with the Planning Commission mem- <br /> 2 bers, the City Council, Staff and John Shardlow(City's consulting planner)had been a success <br /> 3 and provided an opportunity for viewing past projects completed by Hillcrest Development. He <br /> 4 believed it gave the participants a vision of what the Apache redevelopment could become. <br /> 5 Additionally, Mr. Tankenoff stated that Hillcrest has completed due diligence regarding Apache, <br /> 6 and has become aware of the physical issues and environmental aspects of the building. The <br /> 7 next few weeks will be critical as far as progress, he stated. Furthermore, Mr. Tankenoff stated <br /> 8 than he had an excellent introductory meeting with the Silver Lake-Homeowner's Association, <br /> 9 who is also involved with the water quality task force. He felt he had obtained a clear <br /> 10 understanding of the goals and objectives those residents are searching for and he anticipates <br /> 11 additional meetings. Mr. Tankenoff s anticipates that the Apache project will solve some of the <br /> 12 residents' concerns and issues. <br /> 13 Horst wished to express his appreciation for the opportunity to have visited some of Hillcrest <br /> 14 Development's completed projects. He was impressed with the staff and with the high quality of <br /> 15 work that Hillcrest has accomplished. He was also delighted with the vision those properties <br /> 16 provided in respect to the potential for Apache Plaza. <br /> It Sparks agreed with Horst's comments and felt it was comforting to view the quality of Hillcrest <br /> 18 Development's work. <br /> 19 Cavanaugh.thanked Mr. Tankenoff for his presentation and input. <br /> 20 VIII. GENERAL POLICY BUSINESS OF THE COUNCIL. <br /> 21 A. Resolution 00-029, re: Award Construction Bid for 29th Avenue NE Improvements. <br /> 22 City Manager Michael Mornson began by stating that bids were received for the 2000 Street and <br /> 23 Utility Reconstruction project. However, the contract for sidewalks, landscaping, and street <br /> 24 lighting would be separate and would necessitate the need for a change order that would be nego- <br /> 25 tiated between the lowest bidder and WSB & Associates. The lowest bid(and 10 bids were <br /> 26 received) was from Barbarossa and Sons, Inc. in the amount of$2,049,838.66. <br /> 27 Mornson directed the Council's attention to Todd Hubmer's letter of April 10, 2000 to Bob <br /> 28 Thistle, Springsted Financial, wherein Mr. Hubmer set forth a summary of the financial needs for <br /> 29 the City's public improvement projects for the year 2000. Mornson stated that approval of <br /> 30 Resolution 00-029 would not be requested at this meeting. This is in light of the fact that the <br /> 31 previous Council had determined not to award the contract until funding was in hand. Currently, <br /> 32 the City is awaiting the results from the ongoing legislative session regarding funding. <br /> Mornson invited Mr. Hubmer to address the Council in connection with this matter. Mr. Hubmer <br /> 16 briefly reviewed the letter of April 6, 2000 and the various amounts of bids received for the proj- <br /> 35 ect. Mr. Hubmer was impressed with the number of bids received. <br />
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