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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> June 13, 2000 <br /> • Page 2 <br /> 1 Mr. Frank Peterson, 2601 31 st Avenue, addressed the Council. He stated that his concern was <br /> 2 the speeding of traffic in his neighborhood and the safety of the many children in residence. Mr. <br /> 3 Peterson stated he has contacted the Police Department, but it has been difficult to catch the <br /> 4 people speeding. He has suggested the possibility of speed bumps that could be removed for <br /> 5 plowing in the winter. <br /> 6 Cavanaugh thanked Mr. Peterson for his concern and for attending the meeting to discuss this <br /> 7 issue with the Council. <br /> 8 Cavanaugh directed City Manager Michael Mornson to review the speeding issue with the Police <br /> 9 Department and explore extraordinary measures that can be taken in order to resolve the <br /> 10 problem. <br /> 11 Mayor Cavanaugh inquired if any other member of the audience wished to speak to the Council. <br /> 12 Parks Commissioner Jan Jensen approached the Council and stated he wished to present a <br /> 13 proposal to construct a skateboarding park for the City. The proposal, he stated, is the result of <br /> 14 an extensive amount of research, and the design of the park was created by a Youth Task Force <br /> that had been implemented just for that purpose. The Task Force coordinated input from the <br /> 41 youth residents in the City, and Mr. Jensen coordinated estimates for paving and fencing and the <br /> 17 project in general. <br /> 18 Mr. Jensen continued by stating that the skateboarding park is highlighted within the Central <br /> 19 Park redevelopment, but can also be executed completely independent of the Central Park plan as <br /> 20 well. <br /> 21 Horst inquired if Mr. Jensen was searching for funding or space. Mr. Jensen said funding was <br /> 22 the objective because the location has been determined. The location would be near the Police <br /> 23 Department and the Community Center. Additionally, Mr. Jensen was impressed with the <br /> . 24 location chosen because since the skateboarding park would be across from the Police <br /> 25 Department, it would be an encouraging factor for appropriate behavior by the participants. <br /> 26 Thuesen questioned the possibility of liability by the City to any persons that were injured due to <br /> 27 participation at the skateboarding rink. <br /> 28 City Attorney William Soth stated that there is the possibility of liability if any devices installed <br /> 29 are notably unsafe or defective. However, Mr. Soth continued to state that the liability would be <br /> 30 the same as with any other playground equipment at a park, assuming the equipment was not <br /> 31 defective or deemed unsafe. In respect to mention of installing a sign, Mr. Soth stated that <br /> 32 placing a waiver sign at the skateboarding park would be helpful, but would not guard <br /> 0 completely against liability. <br /> 34 City Manager Michael Mornson stated that he has called the City's insurance risk manager and <br />