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1 Planning Commission Minutes <br /> April 19, 1994 <br /> 3 Page 5 <br /> 4 <br /> 5 Makowske amended his motion. <br /> 6 <br /> 7 Motion by Makowske, second by Berg to recommend Council approval of the variance <br /> 8 request from Darrin and JoAnn Mercil, for 3112 Silver Lake Road, as follows- (1) the lot <br /> 9 limits the position of the home; (2)the City requires that the garage face Townview Avenue; <br /> 10 (3) the lot is platted and buildable, but the previous home was small and not of today's <br /> 11 standards; (4)because of the additional 6 feet right-of-way along street there is an additional <br /> 12 circumstance that is found in almost no other place in this City; and (5) that the survey be <br /> 13 rechecked to satisfy the neighbors. <br /> 14 <br /> 15 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 16 <br /> 17 <br /> 18 Conditional use permit and setback variance request by Merlin Olson, for 2700 - 37th <br /> 19 Avenue N.E. <br /> 20 <br /> 21 Notice of the public hearing had been published in the St. Anthony Bulletin on April 6, 1994 <br /> �22 and mailed to property owners within 350 feet of the subject property. <br /> 24 Staff Report <br /> 25 <br /> 26 Interim City Manager Hamer reported that C.M. Corp was requesting a variance of 9 feet to <br /> 27 the front on 37th Avenue N.E. and 5 feet to the side facing Stinson Boulevard and a building <br /> 28 variance of-11 feet. They are planning to tear down the existing gas station and put up a <br /> 29 convenience store with gas pumps and a canopy. This would bring the building <br /> 30 approximately 9 feet 6 inches to the property line,the setback to residential is 20 feet. The <br /> 31 canopy is off by the street setback of 35 feet. <br /> 32 <br /> 33 Chair Gondorchin asked if a comprehensive sign plan had been submitted. Mr. Hamer stated <br /> 34 it had not been submitted. Bill Martin, representing Mr. Olson, stated that the sign on the <br /> 35 elevation drawing was not the one which would be used, but that one on a pole would be <br /> 36 used, not a monument type. <br /> 37 <br /> 38 Chair Gondorchin asked what site differences exist between the blueprints that Mr. Martin <br /> 39 had with him and the drawing submitted to the Commissioner members. Mr. Hamer stated <br /> 40 that all gas stations are conditional uses, and since the present structure will be torn down <br /> 41 and new construction done on the property,any conditions the Commissioners desire can be <br /> 42 placed on the project. Mr. Martin stated that to the best of his knowledge there were no <br /> 43 differences between his blueprints and the elevation drawing. Chair Gondorchin again asked <br /> about the planned sign. Mr. Martin stated that they are requesting a pedestal sign mounted <br /> on a pole, but it would not be a high-rise sign. Mr. Martin requests a sign as pictured in <br />