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CITY OF ST. ANTHONY <br /> ORDINANCE 1994-007 <br /> AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO SECURITY ALARMS, AMENDING <br /> SECTION 540.02, SUBD. 1 AND SECTION 540.06, SUBD. 4(a) AND4(b); <br /> AND AMENDING SECTION 615.06 RELATING TO ALARM FEES, <br /> OF THE 1993 ST. ANTHONY CODE OF ORDINANCES <br /> The City Council of the City of St. Anthony hereby ordains: <br /> Section 1. Section 540.02 Definitions, to read as follows: <br /> Subd. 1. Alarm. A mechanical, electrical or electronic device designed to detect <br /> unauthorized entry, but excluding such a device affixed to a motor vehicle. <br /> Section 2. Section 540.06 Fees. to read as follows: <br /> Subd. 4. Responses to False Alarms. <br /> (a) Fees for false alarms must be paid to the City by the alarm user in accordance <br /> 4 with this Subdivision. If fee is not paid to the City in accordance with this <br /> Subdivision, fee will be added to the alarm user's utility bill by the City Finance <br /> Director. No fee will be charged for a response to a false alarm where not <br /> more than two false alarms occur within a 12 month period. <br /> (b) The sum of$75.00 must be paid to the City by the alarm user for each false <br /> alarm response after the second response within a 12 month period. This fee <br /> increases by $25.00 for each subsequent alarm thereafter in the same period. <br /> Section 3. Section 615.06 Other License Fees, to read as follows: <br /> Applicable <br /> Transfer- Minnesota Code <br /> License Fe Term ale Statutes Sections <br /> Alarm Business $25.00 One year, Yes 540 <br /> commencing <br /> July 1 <br />