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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> June 25, 1996 ' <br /> • Page 7 <br /> 1 inflammatory to residents. The addition of"auto parts" would make the cleanup of <br /> 2 miscellaneous auto parts more enforceable. <br /> 3 4. Revise Section 1335.11 to include"used building and/or construction materials not to <br /> 4 be used at the residence". This would provide an unequivocal tool for prohibition and <br /> 5 enforcement of such storage. <br /> 6 5. Annual compilation/summary of complaints, violation notices by City Staff and <br /> 7 compliance with City notices. This would be useful for long term comparison, would aid <br /> 8 the City from being accused of being arbitrary and capricious, and could also serve as an <br /> 9 indicator. <br /> 10 6. Public education of City codes in the City newsletter. <br /> 11 7. Prepare a brief layman's summary of City code restrictions as they relate to residential <br /> 12 property. This could be included with the violation letter or given to new residents. <br /> 13 8. Aggressively pursue purchase and redevelopment of substandard residential housing <br /> 14 by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority. <br /> 15 9. Create a City-sponsored residential improvement fund. <br /> 16 Faust asked if the City could charge the residents for City code violations that were not <br /> 17 corrected which the City had to correct themselves. <br /> City Attorney Soth stated this can be done only in hazardous situations specified by state <br /> statutes. There must be a safety and health issue involved. The most effective way to <br /> 20 deal with code violations is the issuance of citations and prosecution. <br /> 21 Mayor Ranallo and Councilmembers thanked the Planning Commission for their efforts <br /> 22 and suggested the recommendations be given to City Manager and City Attorney for <br /> 23 implementation. <br /> 24 3. Request for Proposal for Comprehensive Plan. <br /> 25 Commissioner Bergstrom presented the Request for Proposal for Comprehensive Plan <br /> 26 and explained that the issues of water, sewer and transportation infrastructure took a <br /> 27 subordinate role as these systems were all in place. The four focus points are Residential <br /> 28 Redevelopment, Commercial/Industrial Redevelopment, Land Use/Zoning, and Emerging <br /> 29 and Other Issues. <br /> 30 Motion by Wagner, second by Enrooth to accept the Request for Proposal for <br /> 31 Comprehensive Plan and submit for bids. <br /> 32 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 33 <br /> 34 B. Councilmembers. <br /> Wagner reported he was recovering well from bypass surgery and was happy to be back. <br />