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• CITY OF ST. ANTHONY <br /> ORDINANCE 1996-005 <br /> AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PERMITTED .USES AND PERMITTED, <br /> CONDITIONAL USES IN R1, SINGLE FAMILY; RIA, SINGLE FAMILY <br /> LAKE SHORE; AND, C, GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS IN <br /> CHAPTER 16 OF THE 1993 ST. ANTHONY CODE OF ORDINANCES <br /> The City Council of the City of St. Anthony hereby ordains: <br /> Section 1. Section 1605.01, Definitions, of the 1993 St. Anthony Code of Ordinances shall <br /> be amended to read as follows: <br /> Subd. 23 Drive-Through Facility. A facility from which a product.or service is <br /> dispensed, sold, rendered, or from which business is transacted, between a business _ <br /> establishment and persons in vehicles. <br /> Section 2. Section 1615.03 Permitted Conditional Uses, of the 1993 St. Anthony Code of <br /> Ordinances shall be amended to read as follows: <br /> • Section 1615.03 Permitted Conditional Uses. Within an R-1 District, only the following uses <br /> are permitted only if a conditional use permit has been issued for that use by the City Council: <br /> (a) Churches, temples or synagogues and their supporting homes, convents or <br /> rectories. <br /> (b) Essential service structures including but not limited to buildings such as <br /> telephone exchange substations, booster or pressure regular stations, wells and <br /> pumping stations, elevated tanks and electrical power substations. <br /> (c) City buildings including fire and police stations and other municipal service <br /> buildings not considered industrial. <br /> Section 3. Section 1616.02, Permitted Uses, of the 1993 St. Anthony.Code of Ordinances <br /> shall be amended to read as follows: <br /> Section 1616.02 Permitted Uses. Within an R-lA District, only the following uses are <br /> permitted: <br /> (a) Single-family detached dwellings. <br /> (b) Public schools or parochial schools which have a curriculum equivalent to a <br /> public school. <br />