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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> June 25, 1996 <br /> Page 4 • <br /> 1 Mr. Steve Burnt, Attorney representing Mr. Bona, stated this issue had been discussed at <br /> 2 the City Council meeting in 1993 and the result was that no restrictions were placed on <br /> 3 the storage of vehicles except that cars would not be kept on site to use for parts. <br /> 4 City Manager Morrison noted currently the restriction is that inoperable vehicles may not <br /> 5 be stored on the site for more than two weeks. <br /> 6 There was Council consensus that inoperable vehicles may not be stored on the site for <br /> 7 more than two weeks. <br /> 8 Mayor Ranallo questioned who would be doing the Evergreen landscaping on the berm. <br /> 9 Mr. Dan Dege, Finn-Daniels Architects, stated he believed a possible solution would be <br /> 10 for Mr. Bona, a representative of the property owners who signed the petition and City <br /> 11 Staff to meet and discuss this issue. If an agreement can not be reached, the City can <br /> 12 make the final determination. He noted Mr. Bona is intending to plant five Blue or <br /> 13 Colorado Spruce trees of five feet in height in the berm area. <br /> 14 Mayor Ranallo noted it was not the City's role to be the intermediary in resolution of this <br /> 15 issue. He asked Mr. Jadinak if he would be satisfied with the planting of five evergreens <br /> 16 in the berm. <br /> 17 Mr. John Jadinak, 2805-27th Avenue N.E., stated he would be satisfied as long as the <br /> 18 trees would block the view and would look better. He noted Mr. Bona does maintain the <br /> 19 property well. <br /> 20 Mr. Bona stated he would prefer not to pay for the Evergreen trees but if that would <br /> 21 resolve the issue he was agreeable. <br /> 22 Motion by Wagner, second by Enrooth to grant the conditional use permit for Roger <br /> 23 Bona, Unocal 76 Service Station, 2812 - 27th Avenue N.E. based on the following <br /> 24 conditions: <br /> 25 1. The parking areas must have striping for all the proposed parking spaces. <br /> 26 2. No inoperable vehicles may be stored on-site for longer than two weeks. <br /> 27 3. Change the property address to reflect business frontage on Kenzie Terrace. <br /> 28 4. The planting of at least 5 or 6 Evergreen trees of 5 to 6 feet in height in the berm <br /> 29 on 27th Avenue. • <br /> 30 Motion carried unanimously. <br />