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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> July 23, 1996 <br /> Page 3 <br /> 1 Councilmember Marks asked how the Planning Commission determined a hardship <br /> 2 exists. Planning Commissioner Horst stated a hardship was determined since it is <br /> 3 impossible to improve the property in any other way to make it useable due to the <br /> 4 unusual configuration of this corer lot. Also,the house was existing when they <br /> 5 purchased it and the comer lot involves larger setbacks for both the side and front yard. <br /> 6 Planning Commissioner Horst explained that locating the porch and deck on the other <br /> 7 side places it too close to the neighbor's property and is not feasible. <br /> 8 Councilmember Faust asked if the physical layout of the interior of the house is also a <br /> 9 consideration. Planning Commissioner Horst stated it is and noted that layouts of the <br /> 10 interior have been submitted for review. Plus,the neighbors did not express objection. <br /> 11 Councilmember Faust asked if there had been any questions about the intent to place <br /> 12 windows on the end wall or if it will remain a closed wall (without windows). Planning <br /> 13 Commissioner Horst advised the intent is for the wall to have no windows, as a privacy <br /> 14 issue. <br /> 15 C. Wiliam Lutterman,petitioner, advised that when he purchased the house, it was not in <br /> 16 compliance since it was three inches off to begin with. He explained he is asking for a <br /> 17 variance to construct a 3-season porch. In checking with all neighbors and discussing the <br /> building plan,he found all were in favor since it does not encroach on the neighbor's <br /> property. Mr. Lutterman advised he has uncovered the survey irons to assure accuracy of <br /> 20 the setbacks. He is proposing a solid rear wall without windows to assure privacy, <br /> 21 towards the neighboring property and assured the Council that if windows are installed, <br /> 22 they will be high enough to provide privacy. <br /> 23 Mayor Ranallo agreed that this lot is of an unusual configuration. <br /> 24 Motion by Enrooth, seconded by Marks,to approve the 18-foot rear yard variance request <br /> 25 for C. William and Susan Lutterman, as presented,based on meeting the three criteria for <br /> 26 variances and that the neighbors voiced no concern, and contingent upon completion of a <br /> 27 certificate of survey and completion of the porch and deck within 12 months as stipulated <br /> 28 in the City Zoning Ordinance. <br /> 29 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 30 3. Concept Review of Proposed Attached Garage Addition-Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hedberg. <br /> 31 2509 30th Avenue N.E. <br /> 32 Commissioner Horst advised the Planning Commission also considered a concept garage <br /> 33 review for Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hedberg and recommended the applicant follow the building <br /> 34 permit process since no variance is required. City Manager Momson clarified that.the <br /> application will have to be considered by the Planning Commission since it involves an <br /> building attached to the principle structure and not detached; the applicant will make <br /> 37 application to the Planning Commission. <br />