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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> August 27, 1996 <br /> Page 4 • <br /> 1 City's change in Code contributed to the cause of not being able to build using a <br /> 2 conforming lot." <br /> 3 Motion by Marks, second by Enrooth to approve the variance request for a non- <br /> 4 conforming lot on Fordham Drive, for 7.49 feet in width and 223.7 square feet(96-13) <br /> 5 applied for by Bruce.Nedegaard,Nedegaard Construction. <br /> 6 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 7 3. William Hedberg, for 2509-30th Avenue NE. variance requests for side yard <br /> 8 setback 96-11) <br /> 9 . Mr. Bergstrom reported that the Petitioner has submitted an application for a side yard <br /> 10 setback variance of 5 feet in order to construct a 20 foot by 24 foot 2-car garage that will <br /> 11 be attached to the east side of their home. Currently the owners have a single car garage <br /> 12 that sets back from the house and five feet from the property line. The proposed attached <br /> 13 2-car garage would sit in front of the existing single car garage. The variance is needed <br /> 14 because the west side of the house sits five feet from the property line as well. The <br /> 15 combined side yard setbacks for this property is 10 feet; the City Ordinance requires a <br /> 16 combined total of 15 feet for side yard setbacks. <br /> 17 The owners have indicated that they had a need for the additional garage space and that <br /> 18 attaching it to their home would provide security to them both from the weather and <br /> 19 possible criminal activity that might be directed at them because of their age. Their <br /> 20 proposed attached double car garage would have two doors, one in front and the other in <br /> 21 the back so that they would have access to the existing garage that will sit behind the <br /> 22 proposed garage. The existing garage will be used to store equipment. <br /> 23 Staff has received several telephone calls and a signed petition from neighbors in <br /> 24 opposition to the proposed construction. A letter from the owner's immediate neighbor to <br /> 25 the east was also received stating they are concerned with the potential loss of visibility <br /> 26 as a result of this project. Many were also concerned about what it would look like with <br /> 27. two garages on the same property. They felt something could be constructed that would <br /> 28 meet the owner's needs and be acceptable to the neighbors. <br /> 29 Staff recommends the request for a five foot variance to the side.yard setback be denied <br /> 30 based on the amount of neighbor opposition presented. <br /> 31 The Planning Commission recommends denial of the request for a setback as the <br /> 32 Commission is unable to demonstrate an undue hardship,there are no physical <br /> 33 characteristics of the land, no extraordinary circumstances exist and the City Ordinance <br /> 34 for this lot pertains to all other lots in the area and does not cause the problem. <br />