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CC PACKET 07141998
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CC PACKET 07141998
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CC PACKET 07141998
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> . June 23, 1998 <br /> Page 11 <br /> 1 Mr. Hubmer then explained the improvements to Silver Point Park. Currently, the park includes <br /> 2 two softball diamonds (one adult and one youth), a small basketball court,playground, warming <br /> 3 house/pavilion, a make-shift soccer field, and.a hockey rink which has to be partially <br /> 4 disassembled to provide room for the softball use. <br /> 5 The proposal for the Park will remove some park area and one softball diamond. It will include <br /> 6 lowering the Park twelve to fifteen feet with slopes of 3-1,relocation of the warming house, and <br /> 7 a hockey rink and skating area. The softball and soccer field, basketball court and playground <br /> 8 area will be placed back in the Park. There will be an attempt to salvage the playground <br /> 9 equipment. The Park will be wet in large storm events. There will be a 55-foot buffer zone from <br /> 10 the area of excavation. The hockey rink area will be four feet lower than the soccer and softball <br /> 11 field. There will be a deeper depression on the west end of the Park where the water will <br /> 12 accumulate with a gravity storm system out toward Highway 88. <br /> 13 John Jedinak, 2823 Silver Lake Road, asked the distance from the area that is 15 feet his <br /> 14 property. <br /> 15 Mr. Hubmer stated it will be five to ten feet from the property line. <br /> Mr. Jedinak stated that 45 years ago this park was a swamp. He had to haul in fifteen loads of <br /> 7 dirt, build that area up,and pump the water out to keep the water from coming into his yard. He <br /> 18 expressed concern that if this is dug out it will open up the veins and his basement will again be a <br /> 19 holding pond. <br /> 20 Mr. Hubmer explained that there will be a gravity system. He acknowledged that ground water <br /> 21 is an issue in this area. WSB will accommodate that with drain tile. By lowering the park and <br /> 22 installing a gravity system,the high water level should also be lowered. The current elevation in <br /> 23 front of Mr. Jedinak's home is 925 feet and the lowering of the park will result in an elevation <br /> 24 not to exceed 919-920 feet. <br /> 25 Peter Willenbring, WSB & Associates, acknowledged that ground water is a problem in this area. <br /> 26 He explained that the concept is to dig a hole twenty_feet deep, almost like a hill, and let the <br /> 27 water run-away. During a heavy rain the water will run into the depression. There is some <br /> 28 concern with the gumbo-clay soil. This type of soil traps water and does not let it infiltrate to the <br /> 29 bottom under the basement. This is bad for keeping water next to the house away from the house <br /> 30 but is good because it does not allow the water to go through to the house. He explained that if <br /> 31 there was a storm similar to the one which occurred last summer,the depression would drain <br /> 32 within one day. This depression should help to lower the water table in the entire surrounding <br /> 33 area and should help with Mr. Jedinak's water problem. <br /> 0 Mr. Jedinak stated he was opposed to the proposal. <br /> 35 Mr. Willenbring asked him for his suggestions. <br />
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