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CC PACKET 07141998
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CC PACKET 07141998
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CC PACKET 07141998
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> June 23, 1998 <br /> Page 14 • <br /> 1 A resident asked if any other areas in the City were considered for ponding. She suggested the <br /> 2 Town and Country site be utilized. She stated she lived on Highway 88 and there are fox and <br /> 3 geese, and asked what other types of animals this pond will attract: She expressed concern for <br /> 4 the children and asked who would provide insurance to protect them. <br /> 5 Mr. Hubmer explained that WSB had looked at purchasing other properties in the area. This <br /> 6 would require the purchase of forty to fifty homes in the area at a cost of$150,000 to $200,000 <br /> 7 each. The other option was to pipe an outlet to the Mississippi River at a cost considerably over <br /> 8 $20 million. He explained that WSB had to look at this as a fully developed community where <br /> 9 land is at a premium. This is the most economical solution which is feasible and fundable. <br /> 10 Rick Leach, 2712 341 Avenue, asked who would pay for the addition of the clay if the existing <br /> 11 soil did not work. <br /> 12 Mr. Willenbring stated the need for clay would be determined prior to the start of construction by <br /> 13 determining how transmissive the soil is. If necessary,the clay liner would be installed during <br /> 14 construction. <br /> 15 John Kieffer, 2824 Old Highway 8, noted that the lowest part of the park is the hockey rink <br /> 16 which is adjacent to his backyard. He has lived in the house,which sits on a hill and slopes <br /> 17 down to the yard, for ten years and every year the backyard floods. He has spent$3,000 to <br /> 18 $4,000 over the last four years installing a drain tile system to stop the flooding. He stated he <br /> 19 wanted a guarantee that this proposal would not bring back the flooding which occurred when he <br /> 20 first purchased the home. <br /> 21 Diane Skrivseth, 2815 Silver Lake Road, stated she believed the plans for the park are a "done <br /> 22 deal". She did not believe the playground should be located next to Highway 88 as this is where <br /> 23 everyone parks and was concerned with young children running out between cars. She asked if <br /> 24 the boards for the hockey rink would be kept up all year and suggested they could be taken down <br /> 25 in the summer to provide room for a soccer field. She noted space was necessary for the huge <br /> 26 water tank to access the park and fill the rinks. She explained that her yard is three feet higher <br /> 27 than the park and expressed concern of the location of the lights once the park is lowered. There <br /> 28 is a tree next to her lot line and she expressed concern for.the root structure during excavation. <br /> 29 She questioned how a utility truck would get up the slope to access downed lines, etc. She <br /> 30 questioned who would be responsible for the landscape and vegetation. She suggested that funds <br /> 31 be,allocated for upkeep of the vegetation. <br /> 32 Unidentified Resident, stated she was concerned with the water table and questioned what would <br /> 33 happen if digging is started and the water table is reached. <br /> 34 Mr. Hubmer explained that previously the site was a swamp and there was no place for the water ' <br /> 35 to go. Now there will be a pipe and the water will drain out to County Road 88. <br />
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