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(d) Any soil or dirt storage piles containing more than 10 cubic yards of material <br /> should not be located with a downslope drainage length of less than 25 feet from • <br /> the toe of the pole to a roadway drainage channel. If remaining for more than <br /> seven days, they shall be stabilized by mulching, vegetative cover,tarps or other <br /> means. Erosion from piles which will be in existence for less than seven days <br /> shall be controlled by placing straw bales or silt fence barriers around the pile.. In- <br /> street utility repair or construction soil or dirt storage piles located closer than 25 <br /> feet of a roadway or drainage channel must be covered with tarps or suitable <br /> alternative control, if exposed for more than seven days, and the storm drain inlets <br /> must be protected with straw bale or other appropriate filtering barriers. <br /> Subd. 7. Storm water management criteria for permanent facilities. Storm water <br /> Management criteria for permanent facilities shall be in conformance with the City's <br /> Comprehensive Water Resource Management Plan dated June, 1997. <br /> Subd. 8. Design standards. Storm water detention facilities constructed in the City of St. <br /> Anthony shall be designed in conformance with the City's Comprehensive Water <br /> Resource Management Plan dated June, 1997. <br /> Subd. 9. Wetlands. Wetlands shall be maintained and protected in conformance with the <br /> City's Comprehensive Storm Water Management Plan dated June, 1997. <br /> Subd. 10. Steep slopes. No land disturbing or development activities shall be-allowed on <br /> slopes of 18% or more. • <br /> Subd. 11. Catch basins. When deemed necessary by the Public Works Director, all <br /> newly installed and rehabilitated catch basins shall-be provided with a sump area for the <br /> collection.of coarse-grained material. Such basins shall be cleaned when they are half <br /> filled with material. <br /> Subd. 12. Drain leaders. When deemed necessary by the Public Works Director, all <br /> newly constructed and reconstructed buildings will route drain leaders to pervious areas <br /> wherein the runoff can be allowed to infiltrate. The flow rate of water exiting the leaders <br /> shall be controlled so no erosion occurs in the previous areas. <br /> Subd. 13. Inspection and maintenance. All storm water management facilities shall be <br /> designed to minimize the need of maintenance,to provide access for maintenance <br /> purposes and to be structurally sound. All storm water management facilities be <br /> inspected and maintained in accordance with the City's Comprehensive Storm Water <br /> Management Plan dated June, 1997. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to <br /> obtain any.necessary easements or other property interests t allow access to the storm <br /> water management facilities for inspection maintenance purposes. <br /> -8- • <br />