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City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> September 28, 1999 <br /> Page 4 <br /> 1 weeds and grass. Cavanaugh agreed with that finding, and stated that if the Council were to pro- <br /> 2 hibit that type of protection, it was possible the deck would be considered a pervious surface. <br /> 3 Marks said there are two issues at hand for the Council to consider: (1) granting the Variance <br /> 4 when there does not appear to be any justification for such variance; and(2) the design of the <br /> 5 deck. . Marks agreed that issues could be researched and it is possible to alleviate the need for a <br /> 6 variance process altogether. Cavanaugh agreed as well and stated that the Council should offer <br /> 7 options to Mr. and Mrs. Doolan. <br /> 8 Commissioner Melsha stated that the Doolans are amenable to considering other options. <br /> 9 Ranallo stated that he had visited the property as well, and felt that the way the plans were <br /> 10 written and the request presented, that the variance would have to be denied. However, he added <br /> 11 that the Doolans would be encouraged to approach the Council with other options and plans. <br /> 12 Faust reminded the Council that if the Doolans were to return with other options, that the vari- <br /> 13 ance fee would be waived. <br /> 14 Motion by Marks, second by Thuesen,that the City Council deny the Petition for Variance on <br /> 15 the basis that no legal hardship has been demonstrated, but directed City Staff to research a <br /> 16 viable alternative for the variance process of Mr. and Mrs. Doolan. <br /> 17 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 18 Ranallo stated to Commissioner Melsha that he had read the minutes of the Planning <br /> 19 Commission meeting on September 21, 1999, and that the Council was aware of the <br /> 20 Commission's concern over a blatant violation of a Conditional Use Permit by a local business. <br /> 21 Ranallo said that the City had tried diligently and repeatedly to resolve the violation issues with . <br /> 22 the business and were not successful. Ranallo would like to direct City Staff to begin immediate <br /> 23 action regarding the violations of the Conditional Use Permit by Exhaust Pros. <br /> 24 Faust mentioned that, during his report to the Planning Commission at the September 21, 1999 <br /> 25 meeting, he had reiterated the need for follow up on issues. Faust believed that the City had tried <br /> 26 to be friendly and cooperative with Exhaust Pros in resolving the Conditional Use Permit viola- <br /> 27 tions, but now it was time to begin a more firm approach. <br /> 28 Cavanaugh.mentioned to Commissioner Melsha that he would like to see members of the <br /> 29 Planning Commission tour the City to recognize other businesses that could be in violation of <br /> 30 their Conditional Use Permit. In other words, the Council is not singling out one commercial <br /> 31 property for violation. <br />