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13 <br /> Metro Waste has indicated the main reason for the increase is the heavy rains that occurred over the <br /> summer months had a direct affect on the increase in flowage. A considerable portion of the ram' <br /> infiltrates the sanitary sewer system versus being diverted to the storm water run-off system: <br /> Currently, St. Anthony requires homeowners who sell their property to disconnect passive drain tile <br /> systems from the sanitary sewer. In addition, the City has an on-going UI education program that is <br /> administered annually with each street reconstruction project. <br /> The amount of estimated sewer revenue is based on average sales equaling 35,575,000 cubic feet. <br /> Calculating the projected 2003 sewer revenue at the current rate of$2.08 per 100 cubic feet shows a <br /> total income of$739,900 and ygnificant increase is necessary to balance the sewer h udgett. <br /> Projected operating costs of$878,700 for sanitary sewer produces a deficit of($138,800), which is <br /> primarily made up of the M.W.C.C. increase. <br /> To balance the budget and offset the increase in disposal costs, a sanitary sewer rate of$2.47 per 100 <br /> cubic feet is necessary (35,575,000 divided by 100 X $2.47 = $878,700). This increase would cost <br /> the average St. Anthony household$10.92 per quarter. <br /> In 1988, the City Council passed an ordinance relating to sewer rates and charges. This ordinance <br /> allows for changes in the sewer rates without amending the ordinance. The rate increase is <br /> handled administratively and requires no Council action. <br /> Comparing 2002 to 2003 ra tes <br /> Average Quarterly Utility Bill: <br /> 2800 CCF of water <br /> Increase <br /> 2002 2003 Per Quarter <br /> Water $30.80 $ 32.48 $ 1.68 <br /> Sewer $58.24 S 69.16 S10,92 <br /> $89.04 $101.64 $12.60 <br />