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- • - - _ B-10 INJURY ON DUTY <br /> 1. Definition: An injury, illness or other disabling condition <br /> which prevents the employee from performing regularly <br /> assigned jub duties and which was suffered or directly <br /> caused as a result of or in the course of , regular, assigned, <br /> job duties. The determination of whether the injury, <br /> illness or other disabling condition prevents the employee <br /> from performing regularly assigned job duties shall be <br /> made by licensed physician (s) . <br /> 2 . There shall be a ten day waiting period before the I.O.D. <br /> benefit commences during which the employee can use sick <br /> leave. <br /> • 3. Starting the 11th through the 40th work day, the City will <br /> pay I.O.D. pay equal to regular salary (base salary) . <br /> 4 . All Workman' s Compensation benefits must be paid to the <br /> City as a "buy back" of used sick leave or to reimburse <br /> the City for the I.O.D. benefits. <br /> B-11 NON-DISCRIMINATION CLAUSE <br /> The provisions of the AGREEMENT shall be applied equally and <br /> without discrimination by the EMPLOYER and the UNION to all employees <br /> regardless of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, <br /> marital status, status with regard to public assistance, disability <br /> or age. <br /> B-12 LONGEVITY <br /> The EMPLOYER will pay, in addition to regular wages, an <br /> additional payment of $15. 00 per man per month for employees with at <br />