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EXHIBIT B <br /> If Independent School District No. 282 and the City of <br /> St . Anthony are unable to agree within the specified time <br /> on the amount of the rent for the extended term under <br /> paragraph 6 of the Lease to which this Exhibit B is <br /> attached , and if the City does not exercise its option to <br /> terminate the Lease , the rent for the extended term shall <br /> be determined as follows : <br /> The annual rent shall- be determined in accordance <br /> with this Exhibit B for the entire additional term of five <br /> ( 5 ) years , . and the City shall pay rent equal to the Annual <br /> Fair Rental Value of the Leased Premises ( as hereinafter <br /> defined) . Such rent shall be paid quarterly and in <br /> advance in equal installments of one fourth (1/4-th) of the <br /> Annual Fair Rental . <br /> The term Annual Fair Rental Value shall mean the <br /> amount of cash that a lessor could receive annually by <br /> renting the Leased Premises considering the condition of <br /> the Leased Premises at that time ( exclusive of any <br /> improvements made at the expense of the City) , assuming <br /> the lessor to be a prudent party willing to lease but <br /> under no compulsion to do so , assuming the tenant to be a <br /> prudent party willing to lease but under no compulsion to <br /> do so, and assuming a lease containing the terms and <br /> conditions contained in the Lease to which this Exhibit is <br /> attached . <br /> To determine Annual Fair Rental Value , either <br /> party shall have the right to appoint an appraiser and <br /> give written notice thereof to the other party. Within <br /> .ten (10 ) days after the receipt of such notice , the <br /> recipient shall appoint a second appraiser and give <br />