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XIII . Withdrawal. <br /> • Section 1 . Any member may withdraw from the MPRS upon thirty <br /> (30) days written notice to the Secretary-Treasurer. Such notice <br /> shall be accompanied by a certified copy of a resolution adopted <br /> by the governing body of that member authorizing its withdrawal <br /> from membership. <br /> Section 2. The withdrawal of a member shall not affect that <br /> member 's obligation to pay any fees or charges for which it may <br /> be obligated under this agreement. <br /> XIV. Dissolution. <br /> Section 1 . The MPRS may be dissolved by a two-thirds (2/3) <br /> vote of all MPRS members in good standing. Such a dissolution <br /> shall be required when the Secretary-Treasurer has received cer- <br /> tified copies of resolutions adopted by the governing bodies of <br /> the required number of members requesting dissolution of the <br /> MPRS. <br /> Section 2. In the event of a dissolution, the Executive <br /> Committee shall determine the measures necessary to effect the <br /> dissolution and shall provide for the taking of such measures as <br /> promptly as circumstances permit, subject to the provisions of <br /> this agreement. <br /> Section 3. In the event of a dissolution, following the <br /> payment of all outstanding obligations, all assets of the MPRS <br /> shall, be distributed among .the then existing members in direct <br /> proportion to their cumulative annual membership contributions. <br /> -14- <br />