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-4- <br /> • which area shall thereafter be used by Tenant and its employees to <br /> the exclusion of other areas . <br /> r <br /> ARTICLE 10. ASSIGNMENT OR SUBLETTING. Tenant agrees to use <br /> and occupy the leased premises throughout the entire term hereof <br /> for the purpose or purposes herein- specified, and for no other pur- <br /> poses , in the manner and to substantially the extent now intended, <br /> rand not to assign this Lease or sublet said premises , or any part <br /> thereof, whether by voluntary act, operation of law, or otherwise, <br /> without obtaining the prior written consent of Landlord in each <br /> instance; Tenant shall seek such written consent by a written re- <br /> quest therefor, setting forth such information as Landlord may <br /> desire. Landlord agrees not to withhold consent unreasonably. In <br /> a the event that a bona fide sub-tenant or assignee is proposed to <br /> Landlord by Tenant, and Landlord cannot reasonably-withhold -consent <br /> to such proposed sub-tenancy or assignment, Landlord shall have the <br />'a right, at Landlord ' s sole discretion, to terminate this lease upon <br /> thirty (30) days written notice to Tenant in lieu of consenting to <br /> such proposed sub-tenancy or assignment. Consent by Landlord to <br />' one assignment of this Lease or to one subletting of the leased <br /> premises shall not be a waiver of Landlord ' s rights under this <br /> Article as to any subsequent assignment or subletting . Landlord's <br /> rights to assign this Lease are and shall remain unqualified. <br /> ARTICLE 11. DAMAGE BY FIRE OR OTHER CASUALTY. If fire or other <br /> casualty shall render the leased premises untenantable, this Lease <br /> shall terminate forthwith, and any prepayments of rent shall be re- <br /> funded by the Landlord pro-rata; provided, however, that if the <br /> premises can be repaired within ninety (90) days from the date of <br /> such event, then at Landlord ' s option by notice in writing to Tenant <br /> mailed within thirty (30) days after such damage or destruction, this <br /> Lease shall remain in full force and effect, but the rent for the <br /> period during which the premises are untenantable shall be discounted <br /> pro-rata. <br /> ARTICLE 12 . EMINENT DOMAIN. If such a portion of the leased <br /> premises are taken by any public authority under the power of eminent <br /> domain as to render the remaining portion unsuitable for the purposes <br /> intended hereunder, then the term of this Lease shall cease as of <br /> the day possession shall be taken by such public authority, and <br /> Landlord shall make a pro-rata refund of any rent that may have been <br /> paid in advance. All damages awarded for such taking under the power <br /> of eminent domain shall belong to and be the property of Landlord, <br /> j irrespective of the basis upon which they are awarded. <br /> ARTICLE 13. SURRENDER. On the last day of the term of this <br /> Lease or on the sooner termination thereof, Tenant shall peaceably <br /> surrender the leased premises in good condition and repair consis- <br /> tent with Tenant' s duty to make repairs as provided in Article 5 <br /> hereof. On or before the last day of the term of the lease or the <br /> sooner termination thereof, Tenant shall at its expense remove all <br /> of its equipment from the leased premises, and any property not re- <br /> moved shall be deemed abandoned. Tenant shall reimburse Landlord <br /> for any expenses incurred by Landlord with respect to removal or <br /> storage- of abandoned property. All alterations, additions and <br /> ti fixtures, other than Tenant' s equipment, which have been made or <br />