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LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING <br />• THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into as of this_day of <br />• 2003,by and between ST. ANTHONY VILLAGE,a Minnesota public body corporate and <br /> politic hereinafter the "City" and AMCON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY,LLC,hereinafter <br /> "Developer". <br /> • WHEREAS, there exists parcels of property located at the intersection of <br /> Streets in the City of St. Anthony Village as described in <br />• Exhibit"A" attached hereto(the "Subject Property") and <br /> WHEREAS, Developer wishes to explore the possibility of acquiring the <br /> • Subject Property to create a commercial site, and <br /> WHEREAS, the City wishes to explore the possibility of a redevelopment <br /> project which includes an analysis of fire operations, municipal liquor operations,and increasing <br /> the local tax base,and <br /> • WHEREAS, the Developer has requested the help of the City in investigating <br /> the possibility of redevelopment and obtaining title of such property,and <br /> NOW THEREFORE IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: <br /> • 1. From six months of the date of this Agreement, City will work solely with Developer <br /> to undertake redevelopment of the area. <br /> 2. City and staff agree to work with the Developer regarding zoning and planning <br /> issues. <br /> 3. Both parties will use their best efforts to attempt to bring to fruition the <br /> redevelopment contemplated. <br /> 4. Both parties are aware and acknowledge that many contingencies and unknowns <br /> presently exist,any one or more could make the project cost prohibitive, and that <br /> both parties are expending sums of money and time with full knowledge of the risks <br /> involved and that neither party shall be liable for any of the other party's expenses in <br /> • any event. <br /> 5. Developer shall provide the following items during the term of this agreement: <br /> Preliminary Concept Plan of Redevelopment Site,Preliminary Concept of Fire Station, <br /> Financing Alternatives,Project Schedules,Planning and Zoning Analysis, Detailed Elevations <br /> • and Material Lists,Marketing Plan/Market Study/Market Analysis <br />