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• 1 *the massage therapy would be a natural adjunct to the occupational, <br /> 2 physical, and speech therapy as well as social, psychological and <br /> 3 audiology services the rehab agency provides their clients under <br /> 4 Medicare monitoring in their Apache outpatient clinic as well as in <br /> 5 the satellite clinics attached to the 16 long care facilities Rehab <br /> 6 Dynamics contracts with throughout the state; <br /> 7 *although the massage industry itself is not regulated at all, treat- <br /> 8 ments in these clinics would be incorporated within a strictly regu- <br /> 9 lated "medical modeled" rehabilitation agency where the same documen- <br /> 10 tation would be required for massage patients as are required by <br /> 11 prescription from a doctor for the other services provided; <br /> 12 *because the major source _of their reimbursements come from either <br /> 13 state or federal funding, the Rehab Dynamics owners perceived a need <br /> 14 to diversify with preventive and wellness programs to include a "med- <br /> 15 ically modeled" therapeutic massage for stress management to be paid <br /> 16 for by the clients themselves unless ordered by a physician. and the <br /> 17 costs covered by an insurance company; <br /> 18 *any acute type of problem would have_ to be evaluated and referred to <br /> 19 the agency by a physician but in most cases their clients would be <br /> 20 people who seek their services for stress management or because they <br /> 21 have had muscular problems which they perceive need rehab interven- <br /> 22 tion; <br /> �3 *any massage client would be handled in the same way as any other <br /> 24 medical patient with a file set up and the same safety, infection, <br /> 25 etc. standards applied to the treatment; <br /> 26 *because the massage giver would be working out of a medical model and <br /> 27 out of a medical building, there should be little connection with the <br /> 28 undesirable connotation attached to some types of massage. <br /> 29 Ms. Fessler discussed the procedure for getting a massage in her <br /> 30 clinic with .Commissioner Werenicz , telling him that since a therapist <br /> 31 would only be. present to take care of appointments, he would have to <br /> 32 make an appointment before he could get a massage in her clinic. She <br /> 33 said many of the therapists who had responded to their ad in the paper <br /> 34 had told them they preferred working in a Medicare certified clinic to <br /> 35 providing the same service in their own homes where they _ never knew <br /> 36 who might be coming into their home for those services. The 'rehab <br /> 37 owner said they had a medical director and their services were <br /> 38 overseen by a group of professionals with degrees on a quarterly <br /> 39 basis. Ms. Fessler indicated the American Massage Therapy <br /> 40 Association did have a code of ethics and had established a definition <br /> 41 of massage therapy which might be helpful in setting standards for <br /> 42 future massage permits. <br /> 43 Mr. Childs assured her that he didn' t for a minute want to leave the <br /> 44 impression that he thought this request was anything less than <br /> �5 legitimate. However, he perceived that to not address the penalties <br /> 11 <br />