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PL AGENDA 03151988 (2)
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Planning Commission Agendas
PL AGENDA 03151988 (2)
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12/30/2015 3:13:53 PM
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12/30/2015 3:13:50 PM
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PL AGENDA 03151988
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1 At 9 : 15 P.M. Chair Pro Tem Hansen opened the public hearing to <br /> 2 consider a request from Kevin M. Cahill, 2524 Murray Avenue N.E. , for <br /> 3 a variance from the Zoning Ordinance setback requirements to allow <br /> 4 replacement of the existing legal non-conforming 20 foot X 22 foot <br /> 5 garage with a new 34 foot X 24 foot garage to be located with no <br /> 6 setbacks from the west property line where the ordinance requires a 3 <br /> 7 foot setback from the eaves. <br /> 8 No one present reported failure to receive the notice of the hearing <br /> 9 which had been published in the March 2nd Bulletin and sent to all <br /> 10 property owners of record within 200 feet of the subject property or <br /> 11 objected to its content. <br /> 12 In his March 9th memorandum to the Planning Commission, the City <br /> 13 Manager had advised them that the new structure would have adequate <br /> 14 setback on the alley side but would need a 3 foot variance on the- west <br /> 15 side where there would be zero setback. to the eaves. Mr. Childs had <br /> 16 also advised that since an entirely new structure ..was being proposed, <br /> 17 the garage' s non-conforming (grandfather) rights would be lost. He <br /> 18 had also commented that apparently years ago most of the garages in <br /> 19 this area were built with similar setbacks which are now grandfathered <br /> 20 in. <br /> 21 A copy of a drawing of the proposed garage and Mr. Cahill' s February, <br /> 22 19th letter explaining what he wanted . to do had been included in the <br /> 23 Commission' s agenda packet and Mr. Childs told the Commissioners a <br /> 04 drive through that particular alley would show that all the lots are <br /> 25 quite small and 'many of the garages don' t comply with the current <br /> 26 zoning code because there is little or no distance at all between <br /> 27 individual garage structures. However, in this case, Mr. Cahill' s <br /> 28 neighbors' garages are all appropriately located on opposite sides of <br /> 29 the property, requiring no setback between structures. <br /> 30 The Manager reported staff had received no calls either for or against <br /> 31 the proposal per se but had provided further information to one of <br /> 32 Mr. Cahill' s neighbors, John Dorr. <br /> 33 As he had stated in his letter, Mr. Cahill told the Commissioners <br /> 34 his present garage sits lower than the lot itself. and constantly has <br /> 35 water in it, which rusts out the cars and the building foundation all <br /> 36 the way around. The new garage would be elevated on a six inch <br /> 37 block,, high enough so seepage won' t be a problem. Mr. Cahill said he <br /> 38 had let his car sit outside most of the time except during periods of <br /> 39 bad weather. <br /> 40 John D. and Helen Dorr, 2520 Murray N.E. , and their son, John J. Dorr, <br /> 41 875 Able Road, Shoreview, MN spoke in opposition to the variance. <br /> 42 John D. : perceived the variance might be a detriment to his property <br /> 43 and to his ability to sell; <br /> •4 4 <br /> 13 <br />
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