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PL AGENDA 09201988
Parks & Planning Commission
Planning Commission Agendas
PL AGENDA 09201988
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12/30/2015 3:13:33 PM
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12/30/2015 3:13:31 PM
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PL AGENDA 09201988
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1 Commissioner Franzese told the dentist she thought he had a very <br /> attractive residential appearing building and she could see no reason <br /> why the City wouldn't allow him to rebuild it if it were destroyed. <br /> 4 However, she was concerned that if the zoning on the building were <br /> 5 changed, and the building were then destroyed, the structure which <br /> 6 might be erected in its place for one of the other permitted uses, like <br /> 7 a realty office, etc. , might not have the same residential appearance <br /> 8 and might cause tensions with the neighbors. She added that the <br /> 9 existing zoning provided safeguards against that happening. Dr. <br /> 10 Osterbauer responded by telling her his property had been zoned <br /> 11 "Commercial" when he built there 30 years ago and he had gone around <br /> 12 the neighborhood at that time to get the approval of the neighbors. He <br /> 13 said he had not only gotten their approval, but also had quite a few of <br /> 14 them who became patients, just as he hoped would happen now after he <br /> 15 had talked to so many of the neighbors about this change. The dentist <br /> 16 indicated he had found out that zoning had changed through a letter <br /> 17 from the City about ten years ago which had informed him that, under <br /> 18 the Zoning Code, which had just been adopted, his location zoning had <br /> 19 been changed to residential, making his business a non-conforming use. <br /> 20 ORRgnents <br /> 21 Alice Brown, 2702 - 33rd Avenue N.E. indicated she thought the existing <br /> 22 building across 33rd from her home was "a fine looking building" , but <br /> 23 said she and her husband, Ed Brown, who was with her, were concerned <br /> 24 that a Planning Commission and Council ten years down the line might <br /> 25 also change the zoning for the other two vacant corners to service <br /> office to match the change in zoning on this corner. <br /> 27 Tom Lutgen, 3313 Roosevelt Court, indicated he was also concerned about <br /> 28 what type of "other allowable commercial uses could come in" if the <br /> 29 zoning was changed. He said the thought any change should be made for <br /> 30 "the right reason" and didn't think a decision should be made based only <br /> 31 on the personal position that Dr. Osterbauer's rebuilding might be <br /> 32 delayed under the current zoning. The resident questioned whether <br /> 33 rezoning would be the prudent thing to do in the context of there being <br /> 34 other non-conforming businesses across the street not being allowed to <br /> 35 rebuild because they had . been 75% destroyed. <br /> 36 Mr. Lutgen said his business caused him to know a great deal about <br /> 37 planning issues for other communities and commented that he had <br /> 38 concluded by looking at the zoning map on the Chamber's wall that other <br /> 39 than up around Apache or near the St. Anthony Shopping Center, the City <br /> 40 had made a real effort to keep commercial uses away from residential <br /> 41 areas which are located away from the major streets. He considered <br /> 42 allowing this change might be opening the City to further deviations <br /> 43 from that policy and said he thought "a real bad precedent for doing <br /> 44 that would be established if the City granted Dr. Osterbauer's request. <br /> 45 The resident also perceived that the City's Comprehensive Plan might <br /> 46 not be consistent with the City's policy pointing to the fact that the <br /> 7 City had forced the owners of the commercial businesses across to <br /> 4 <br />
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