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PL AGENDA 09201988
Parks & Planning Commission
Planning Commission Agendas
PL AGENDA 09201988
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Last modified
12/30/2015 3:13:33 PM
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12/30/2015 3:13:31 PM
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PL AGENDA 09201988
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1 *perceived most of that approval was based on Dr. Osterbauer's <br /> operation continuing and she thought if the business were to change, <br /> they would all be voicing the same kind of concerns some of the <br /> 4 Commissioners had related to the type of business which was going in <br /> 5 their neighborhood; <br /> 6 *continued to think that even though the Ordinance might somewhat <br /> 7 restrict the type of business which could operate from that location, <br /> 8 she still perceived there was a chance of the "whole texture of the <br /> 9 business changing drastically" ; <br /> 10 *wondered if the next business owner who might not be a resident, as <br /> 11 Dr. Osterbauer is, would be as interested in maintaining a "residential <br /> 12 look for the building"; <br /> 13 *didn't think the Ordinance provided any guarantees or safeguards for <br /> 14 the neighbors who had recently moved into that residential neighborhood <br /> 15 that the area would retain a residential character; <br /> 16 *thought it was the responsibility of the. Commission to provide those <br /> 17 safeguards. <br /> 18 London <br /> 19 *at first had said he was really "straddling the fence" on the issue <br /> 20 and indicated he basically agreed with Commissioners Madden and Wagner <br /> 21 that the "B" zoning is such that it only allowed businesses like <br /> 4Aengineering, legal , etc. services which are the types of services which <br /> require only one or two people to run the office; <br /> 24 *perceived the types of services which would be allowed were not the <br /> 25 types of businesses with large volumes of people or traffic; <br /> 26 *said he wouldn't expect to see a large increase in traffic from any <br /> 27 type of business which went in there after Dr. Osterbauer and perceived <br /> 28 any of 'those services would fit in well with the rest of the <br /> 29 neighborhood. <br /> 30 Franzese <br /> 31 *perceived the Commission wanted to accommodate Dr. Osterbauer who <br /> 32 had been "a good businessman and resident of St. Anthony" for so many <br /> 33 years, but questioned whether the City had the same obligation to the <br /> 34 next businessmen whether they're attorneys, realtors, or accountants, <br /> 35 who want to. open an office in that neighborhood when there are plenty <br /> 36 of other office spaces available in other St. Anthony locations. <br /> 37 Childs said he had forgotten to tell the Commissioners that should Dr. <br /> 38 Osterbauer leave that location, its non-conforming status could always <br /> 39 be transferred to another dental office because the use does go .with the <br /> 40 land and not the owner. However, if the building is destroyed, the <br /> 8 <br />
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