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PL AGENDA 11221988
Parks & Planning Commission
Planning Commission Agendas
PL AGENDA 11221988
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12/30/2015 3:13:08 PM
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12/30/2015 3:13:06 PM
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PL AGENDA 11221988
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1 The President of the LaNel Financial Group indicated the developers were <br /> 2 proposing another entry into the site which would provide ingress and <br /> 3 egress and to only Building C through the existing curb cut which had <br /> 4 previously serviced the upholstery shop. He said he perceived the <br /> 5 existing median in front of this building would force drivers leaving <br /> 6 the site to go north to either access Highway 88 or St. Anthony <br /> 7 Boulevard. Mr. Brewer said he would anticipate Building C's residents <br /> 8 to develop traffic patterns which would bring them up Stinson rather <br /> 9 than trying to make a U turn in front of Kentucky Fried Chicken to reach <br /> 10 the building from the south. The developer indicated it would not be <br /> it advisable from a marketing standpoint to direct traffic around the <br /> 12 senior building which would have to be done if the second driveway <br /> 13 isn't allowed. He also pointed out that under such a plan those <br /> 14 seniors would be cut off from the amenities of the rest of the site and <br /> 15 there would be less green space provided in an area where green space <br /> 16 is already scarce. <br /> 17 Councilmember Ranallo reiterated that the City had promised the <br /> 18 Minneapolis neighbors that access to the project would not be provided <br /> 19 from Lowry Avenue. Mr. Childs added that traffic would have to be <br /> 20 routed over private property for an access to the east to be provided. <br /> 21 When Councilmember Ranallo wondered whether, since the City would be <br /> 22 eliminating a number of Kenzie Terrace curb cuts for this project, a cut <br /> 23 in the median itself couldn't be made to access Building C. Mr. Brewer <br /> 24 indicted he thought that might work because it was very likely only the <br /> 25 residents of that building would be using that driveway because the <br /> 26 project's prospective rental activities would be carried on in Building <br /> 27 B. <br /> 28 Commissioner Werenicz indicated he had expected the developers would <br /> 29 have already done the traffic flow studies which they had promised the <br /> 30 Commissioners they would do to justify the additional curb cut. Mr. <br /> 31 Brewer told him that, given the constraints on time to get the project <br /> 32 going which wouldn't allow them to redesign the whole site, the <br /> 33 developers had instead worked on trying to solve the problem internally <br /> 34 without architectural .changes. They were unable to do this however, and <br /> 35 were now hoping the Council would say they liked the new site plan and <br /> 36 then would be willing to let Lang/Nelson to work with staff on a <br /> 37 satisfactory method of directing traffic in and out of the site based <br /> 38 on the study which had recently been done for the City for the same area <br /> 39 by Short-Elliott-Hendrickson, Inc. The City Manager indicated the <br /> 40 results of their efforts could still be made at the Council's December <br /> 41 13th meeting. <br /> 42 Councilmember Makowske Adamant About Having All Brick Buildings <br /> 43 The Councilmember said she really appreciated the new villa-type concept <br /> 44 in the building design as well as the ponding and moving the project <br /> 45 away from Kenzie Terrace but perceived not having brick on the third <br /> 46 floor exteriors of Buildings B and C would be "really downgrading the <br /> 47 project" . <br /> 8 <br />
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