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PL AGENDA 11221988
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Planning Commission Agendas
PL AGENDA 11221988
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12/30/2015 3:13:08 PM
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12/30/2015 3:13:06 PM
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PL AGENDA 11221988
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. 1 <br /> 1 The Councilmember persisted in her argument that having an all brick <br /> 2 building gave a "much finer and more substantial , permanent appearance, <br /> 3 besides being much easier to keep up. " when she said she perceived all <br /> 4 the developers who had been approached to construct the project <br /> 5 understood perfectly well at the start that the City wanted all brick <br /> 6 buildings, she was reminded that the buildings which had originally been <br /> 7 approved for the project had not been all brick. Gene Nelson, <br /> 8 President of Lang/Nelson Companies, reiterated that the developers had <br /> 9 already undertaken improvements in the project which were twice as <br /> 10 expensive as those for the project the City had originally planned. <br /> 11 He said the buildings had been downsized to give them a more <br /> 12 interesting appearance and any further expenses would not be <br /> 13 economically feasible. He reiterated that he "didn't want these <br /> 14 buildings to look like the six or seven story Kenzington, but rather to <br /> 15 fit better into the residential environment around the project with <br /> 16 their own character which would increase their rentability. " It was his <br /> 17 opinion that the amount of wood they proposed on the two larger <br /> 18 buildings with the roof drops and separated entrances would add to <br /> 19 rather than detract from the character of the buildings and would <br /> 20 achieve more of the look the Council wanted than two more three story <br /> 21 brick buildings with roof tops straight across. He disagreed with <br /> 22 Councilmember Makowske's assumption that upkeep would be related to the <br /> 23 exterior materials, but said that it rather would be related to the <br /> 24 style and the physical structure of the property and the people who are <br /> 25 operating it. He pointed out that the majority of the project <br /> 26 exterior would still be brick and reiterated that he thought the wood <br /> 27 sections would add "stature, texture, and character" to the whole <br /> 28 project. <br /> 29 The Councilmember agreed that she "loved the villa look" , but found it <br /> 30 difficult to give up the brick. Councilmember Ranallo told her he <br /> 31 wanted the brick also but preferred having this project to a "box style" <br /> 32 which the City would get with all brick. <br /> 33 Mr. Childs reported that the change in the Redevelopment Agreement to <br /> 34 accept less brick would have to be handled by the Housing and <br /> 35 Redevelopment Authority. <br /> 36 Council Action <br /> 37 Motion by Enrooth, seconded by Marks to amend the Development Concept <br /> 38 Plan and Detail Plan under the P.U.D. section of the City Zoning <br /> 39 Ordinance as proposed by Lang/Nelson Associates dated November 4 , 1988 <br /> 40 for Phase 3 of the Kenzie Terrace Redevelopment Project. <br /> 41 Voting on the motion: <br /> 42 Aye: Enrooth, Sundland, Marks, Ranallo. <br /> 43 Nay: Makowske. <br /> 44 Motion carried. <br /> 10 <br />
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