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2 <br /> 3. PUBLIC HEARING. Petition for amendment to zoning ordinance. Village North LLP seeks to <br /> modify the current zoning requirement for parking in the City's Light Industrial districts. <br /> 4. PUBLIC HEARING. Petition for rezoning. Apache Animal Medicine seeks to rezone a portion <br /> of 2801 37`h Avenue NE from LI to C. Additionally, they are purchasing a parcel of unzoned <br /> land from the railroad and request be.zoned C to allow for the expansion of the animal <br /> clinic. <br /> VI. POSTPONED APPLICATIONS <br /> 1. None. <br /> VII. REPORTS,PRESENTATIONS, and/or CONCEPT REVIEWS <br /> 1. PRESENTATION. A representative of WSB Engineering will make a presentation regarding the <br /> selection of decorative street lighting along 29th Avenue and elsewhere in the City. Planning <br /> Commission, Staff, and the Consultant have sought public input. Planning Commission to <br /> provide recommendations to City Council. Action required. <br /> VIII. CONTINUED BUSINESS <br /> 1. New draft antennae ordinance. <br /> IX. COMMISSION INPUT <br /> Chair to select a Commissioner as the representative to the upcoming Council Meeting. <br /> 2. Commissioners' comments. <br /> X. ADJOURNMENT <br />