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-5- 1 <br /> building- where trucks are often parked on the grass now. They were not I! <br /> convinced the slope of the terrain of the area was steep enough to pre <br /> vent a parking lot being developed there. <br /> • Mrs. Points doubted whether the parking -stalls provided would be <br /> able to accomodate the trucks. She said the existing trees provide <br /> a noise buffer of the Happy operation for the Mirror Lake residents <br /> and gave the homeowners facing Foss Road "something to look at <br /> besides asphalt" . She questioned why adequate landscaping could not <br /> be required for this project the same as the City had required for <br /> American Monarch and the bank as discussed earlier in the meeting. <br /> As spokespersons for Mirror- Lake, she and Alvina Law had received more <br /> than 50 calls opposing the extension of blacktop across from the <br /> condominiums. Mr. Dunphy' s response to these objections included <br /> his belief that "property owners should be able to do what they want <br /> with their own property within the existing ordinance" and he didn't <br /> see where "five feet could make that much difference" . He cited <br /> problems with maintaining shrubs and grass near the roadway because <br /> of salt damage and pointed out that the potato chip plant had been <br /> in existance long before the condominiums were permitted through a <br /> special use permit in a Light Industrial district across the street, <br /> telling the objectors "you had to have a variance, too" . He disputed <br /> John Gable ' s hearsay report of Happy' s trucks running all night in <br /> the parking lot, saying none of Happy's trucks are diesels . He <br /> thought they might be able to save the existing box elder tree on <br /> the site but said the cottonwood trees have almost outlived their <br /> life expectancy and "won=t be there very much longer no matter what <br /> we do" . If Happy' s can't use the 55,000 square foot area for parking, <br /> it may become necessary, economically, to sell it to someone else <br /> for some other industrial use. <br /> When a compromise was suggested by Mr. Jones whereby the fence would <br /> be set back enough to allow a green area between the parking lot and <br /> the road, the Chairman ruled the Commission should not be planning <br /> the property for the -applicant. Mr. Bjorklund wondered if the <br /> question of whether the - number of parking spaces provided meets <br /> City requirements could be settled without another hearing which <br /> Mr. Dunphy said would be unacceptable because it would delay con- <br /> struction. Mr. Berg said consideration of the parking stalls was <br /> included as .an item of discussion in the hearing notice but also <br /> saw an interpretation by staff possible that the City ordinance <br /> will be satisfied as long as no addition to the number of employees <br /> f-- or trucks are included in the proposal. <br /> Mr. Gable who was present to speak for his mother, a Mirror Lake <br /> resident, said he was somewhat embarassed for repeating hearsay which <br /> Mr. Dunphy had refuted and he believed the parking lot was probably <br /> a better use of the land than some other light industrial which <br /> might be developed there. - However, he felt the parking lot could <br /> be built in such a manner as to conform to the City ordinance. <br /> The hearing was closed at 10 :51 P.M. <br /> Motion by Mr. Jones and seconded by Mr. Enrooth to recommend Council <br /> • approval of a five foot rear yard setback variance to the City <br /> ordinance which will permit the Happy Potato Chip Company to con- <br /> struct, as proposed, the 5100 square foot warehouse (60 X 85). to the <br />