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PL MINUTES 11171981
Parks & Planning Commission
Planning Commission Minutes
PL MINUTES 11171981
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PL MINUTES 11171981
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-2- <br /> Mrs . Makowske requested staff make reservations for her to attend the <br /> Planning and Zoning Institute to be held in Bloomington , December 10th <br /> and 11th. Mr. Enrooth . and Mr. Peterson will contact Mr. Berg before <br /> November 24th- to indicate their interest in attending, if there is <br /> funding available. <br /> At 7 : 47 P.M. , the Chairman Pro Tem opened the public hearing on the <br /> variance petition from Sid Johnson for the St . Anthony Court. He had <br /> delayed the hearing in anticipation of the arrival of the petitioner, <br /> who failed to appear during the- .meeting. Mr. Jones -read the notice <br /> of the hearing which had gone out to all property owners within 200 <br /> feet of the site., between 3909. and 4017 Silver Lake Road, for which <br /> the variance of 238 square feet per unit is requested. No one present <br /> reported failure to receive the notice nor objected to its contents . <br /> Mr. Berg reported the application fee of $25 had been paid and <br /> reiterated the problems with density which had arisen in connection <br /> With the townhome development and now necessitates a variance to the <br /> zoning ordinance requirements to be presented at a public hearing, as <br /> reported in his October 23rd .and November 13th memorandums . In his <br /> notices to the Council and the Commission, the Administrative Assistant <br /> had indicated that during the title search connected with the final <br /> platting of the Johnson site, the City Attorney had discovered a 10 <br /> foot easement along Silver Lake Road had been dedicated to Ramsey <br /> County by Gordon Hedlund in 1978 , with the dedication recorded on <br /> neither of the plats held by the City or the County. As an indica- <br /> tion of this , he pointed out that Ramsey County had, in 1981, requested <br /> such an easement be dedicated, which the City had denied because <br /> Mr. Johnson had, at that time , indicated in writing he foresaw a <br /> density problem for his proposed development with such an easement. <br /> The county has since confirmed they'. have no plans for use of the <br /> easement and. don ' t anticipate a need for it for expansion purposes <br /> in the future, according to Mr. Berg who recommends the requested <br /> variance be granted Mr. Johnson so he .can complete his construction <br /> of 25 units as proposed. When the question was raised whether Mr. <br /> Johnson knew of the easement held by the county, Mr. Berg said he was <br /> certain the developer had discovered its existence at approximately <br /> the same time as the City Attorney. He also confirmed that, with the <br /> variance, the St. Anthony Court will have a 31 foot front yard setback; <br /> there will need to be no change in the plans for driveways , and the <br /> 600 feet along Silver Lake Road will, in all likelihood, remain open <br /> space. Any effort to get the easement back from the county will be <br /> a lengthy process , Mr. Berg warned, andwould certainly interfere with <br /> the construction timetable for the project, since five units are <br /> partially up, with Council approval. <br /> Mr. Bjorklund arrived at 8 :01 P.M. <br /> Mrs . Makowske questioned whether the easement might be needed for <br /> cable T.V. installation but none have been scheduled to date , as far <br /> as Mr. Berg knows , and he also told her the reason the City might not <br /> have noted the 600 feet had been removed from the tax rolls was <br /> because Ramsey County does the City assessing in that area. He will <br /> • check to see if Mr. Hedlund might have also dedicated a similar ease- <br /> ment in front of the property to the south utilized by Craig and Co. <br />
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