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-10- <br /> Appearing for the restaurant was K. C. George who had addressed all <br /> • three conditions and given in his August 3rd letter all the reasons <br /> he perceives the request would meet all three conditions set for, <br /> granting such a variance, -which the Chair indicated she had found most <br /> helpful. She also reported noticing that the lights on the existing <br /> signs were turned off each evening as agreed to and reported discussing <br /> the additional signage with Art Thompson who lives on 37th Avenue N.E. <br /> and would be viewing the sign from' his picture window and who had <br /> indicated he would have no problem -with the proposal . <br /> Commissioner Zawislak said he was gratified to find a businessman who <br /> has the foresight not to use all his permitted signage up before he <br /> knows for certain just what additional identification he needs . <br /> It was agreed that this- property could be considered unique because <br /> it can be reached from two main thoroughfares and because it repre- <br /> sents an impulse buying type of business , additional signage was <br /> necessary to identify the restaurant to potential customers coming <br /> into the complex from the west to. Country Store: <br /> The hearing, was closed at 10 : 30 P.M. <br /> Motion by Commissioner Bjorklund and seconded by Commissioner Zawislak <br /> to recommend the Council grant the variance .to. the City Sign Ordinance <br /> for the additional signage as presented on Exhibit "Z" in the agenda <br /> parcel for the Zantigo Restaurant at 3704 Silver Lake Road, finding <br /> • that: <br /> (1) Granting the variance would not be detrimental or injurious to <br /> other property in the same area because the restaurant is located <br /> in a commercial shopping complex and there are great distances <br /> between it and the closest residential property which could- be <br /> adversely affected. <br /> (2) . It would be a hardship for the restaurant if the petition for the <br /> variance were denied because of the shape of the building and <br /> its location on a small site within the confines of a large <br /> shopping center with two street frontages and accesses , and most <br /> importantly, three access directions from. the west, south and <br /> east. <br /> (3) The conditions upon which the application is based are unique <br /> to this parcel of land because of the large exposure of the <br /> property to the west where the primary traffic is generated from <br /> the east and south, making signage uniquely difficult on this <br /> particular building and property. <br /> (4) The total signage for the existing signs on the building as well <br /> as the requested sign would be less than the permitted square <br /> footage for this. building and in other respects this property had <br /> been developed in accordance with all City and state codes and <br /> standards . <br /> • (5) No one spoke in opposition the request during the hearing. <br />