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PL MINUTES 08161983
Parks & Planning Commission
Planning Commission Minutes
PL MINUTES 08161983
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PL MINUTES 08161983
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-8- <br /> When- .asked what hardship he believes he would experience if the ordin- <br /> ance were adhered to, Mr. Everson . responded that he had noticed trees <br /> had obstructed the view of his building. as he approached the center <br /> from the industrial park to the east and several of the tradesmen <br /> who had remodeled the building for the school had. reported they had <br /> a hard time finding the school in its new location. He told Com- <br /> missioner Jones the center cares for children from as far away as <br /> Columbia Heights .and Roseville and some sort of. identification is <br /> necessary to aid those who bring them to school to find the school. <br /> He also indicated the signage is necessary to identify the school to <br /> potential students . However, he admitted that most- of the children <br /> are not really drop ins , but are required to attend the school for <br /> at least from six to eight hours a week. <br /> The center president said his wife had signed the petition for the <br /> variance and would have copies of the signage. which they might request <br /> if they were not permitted to utilize the existing sign. He then <br /> showed the Commission members pictures of a similar. sign a competitor <br /> in the Southdale Shopping Center. <br /> When Commissioner Bjorklund indicated .he perceived other merchants in <br /> the same center operate successfully without this type of signage, <br /> Mr. Everson questioned the' term "successfully" . <br /> Chair Makowske noted that this would be a lighted ' sign. and told Mr. <br /> Everson other schools in the area have indicated- no need for this type <br /> of signage to attract potential students who should .have no trouble <br /> • finding the school in that large shopping center. <br /> Commissioners Zawislak and Jones both perceived that the playground <br /> outside the building along side Highway 88 should serve as an immediate <br /> identification of the activity carried on within the building. <br /> Commissioners Bowerman and _Wagner indicated they didn't deny the. <br /> center needed some identification, but doubted the .school ' s situation <br /> was so much more unique than .the other businesses in the same center <br /> that it required as much signage as was requested. <br /> Commissioner Jones agreed, saying he could see no reason why a shcool <br /> should require more identification than a commercial store since "you <br /> don't pick .a school in impulse as you do a pair of shoes" . <br /> At 10 : 10 P.M. , the hearing was closed at which time ,Commissioner <br /> Bjorklund . revealed that he has on occasion worked for Mr. Everson and <br /> Commissioner Zawislak indicated his daughter was employed by the <br /> center, which they perceived could appear to present a possible con- <br /> flict of interest for them both. <br /> Motion by Commissioner Bowerman and seconded by Commissioner Wagner to <br /> recommend Council denial of the petition for a variance to the Sign <br /> Ordinance which- would permit the LaPepinier Montessori School and Day <br /> Care Center to be identified by substituting the two sided sign they <br /> • propose for the existing "Bank" sign on the fifteen foot pylon sign <br /> in front of the building they rent at 2620 Highway 88 , finding that: <br />
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