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PL MINUTES 10181983
Parks & Planning Commission
Planning Commission Minutes
PL MINUTES 10181983
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12/30/2015 6:08:29 PM
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PL MINUTES 10181983
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-3- <br /> his proposal would be more than adequate to serve the increased <br /> • business . In addition to the two story addition on the west, the <br /> applicantindicated he was also proposing the company be permitted to <br /> bring the existing building out five feet towards Foss Road to bring <br /> it into alignment with the "steel building" to the- south and to provide <br /> an. enclosed loadingarea in which the company 's .two vans could be <br /> parked. Two of the proposed 23. parking spaces would be in front of that <br /> enclosure. <br /> The new addition on the south would be between 23 and 24 feet high, <br /> ten feet higher than the existing building, which .is built into the <br /> ground. The elevation plans submitted for the proposed addition <br /> illustrated the extent to which the new structure would also be con- <br /> structed underground and Mr. Donatelle told Mrs . Makowske this building <br /> would_ be just about level with -the eaves on the "steel building" next <br /> door. The lower level of the addition would be 'used for manufacturing <br /> and the upper .floors for warehouse , and the applicant said all existing <br /> trees on the property would be retained and the entire property land- <br /> scaped further than at present. <br /> The proposed curb cuts would have to be approved by the City 's Public <br /> Works Director, the Manager said, .but he anticipates no .problems since <br /> the existing curb cuts are 50 .feet apart (30 feet required) . Charles <br /> Donatelle identified on the site plans just where additional parking <br /> would be provided as well as the landscaped area along Foss Road where <br /> additional six parking. spaces .could be provided, if needed. The <br /> • triangular corner of the property on Chandler Drive was also considered <br /> as a potential site for additional. parking. The office location was <br /> pointed out for Commissioner Franzese and • she was also told the roads <br /> in that area were not constructed for truck traffic and the type of <br /> business Donatelle conducts only. requires . van transportation. <br /> Charles- Donatelle assured Commissioner Jones that the new addition would <br /> require . no additional electric service or water than is now provided <br /> for the existing building... He said there is a large transformer in <br /> front of the building and -his company has never had to pay any more <br /> than a minimum bill for their water. <br /> Neil Hamlin; owner of Garment Graphics , 3819 Chandler Drive, west of <br /> the proposed addition, said he would have no problem whatsoever with <br /> the expansion since he is happy to see the entire street developed <br /> for light industrial. <br /> Mrs . Makowske reported she had learned the -owners of the home which._is, <br /> proposed to be purchased were amenable to selling their .property to <br /> the Donatelle ' s because they perceive there wouldn' t be much of a market <br /> for a single home in that location. <br /> Mr. Childs indicated he knew of no problems related to noise or pol- <br /> lution connected to this business and when no one present spoke in <br /> opposition to the proposal, the hearing was closed' at 8 :20 P.M. for <br /> Commission discussion. <br /> • During the development of a motion, Commissioner Franzese noted that <br /> when she had visited the site there had been City trucks parked along <br /> Chandler Drive and Foss ,,Road and she was concerned this might be an <br /> indication that with. the addition of so many new employees at the <br />
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