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-6- <br /> for <br /> 6-for th.e City and Mr. Childs requested they submit their comments on <br /> -pages 17, 19 , 20 , 21 and 22 at their next meeting November ,15th. <br /> Commissioner Bjorklund indicated he would like to see the format of <br /> the report reversed so the first -part which emphasizes the development <br /> of low and moderate income housing' would. not be the first thing people <br /> read, because he perceives this thrust might alienate a lot of St. <br /> Anthony residents . Mr. .Childs reminded him that all the grants the <br /> City has received are based on the City 's addressing the needs of those <br /> people but since incomes considered .to be moderate in the report are <br /> high enough that there should be no problem meeting those criteria. <br /> Commissioner Jones perceived the number of subsidized rentals in one <br /> of the apartments in the northern section of the City should almost <br /> satisfy those goals . Mt. - Childs said the fact that the incomes of the <br /> elderly, and not their assets are counted, should qualify many of <br /> them. He told Commissioner Franzese the neighborhood statistics <br /> program developed with the Bureau of Censu_s .should .provide specific <br /> data related to the number of rental occupied dwellings in the City . <br /> The Manager foresees that by next fall there would .be a general remodel- <br /> ling effort by the owners of the _portion of the St. Anthony Shopping <br /> Center which is not being redeveloped. He told Commissioner Jones <br /> the difference between rentals asked for the vacant Penny 's Store and <br /> the former drug store which the City is utilizing for its new .liquor <br /> warehouse facility left no doubt as to which would be used. <br /> Chair Makowske left the meeting at 9 : 30 P.M. , but before she went she <br /> indicated she would be interested in attending the- American Planning <br /> • Institute, December 9th. The Manager will also make reservations for <br /> Commissioners Zawislak, Wagner, and Franzese and said he would con- , <br /> tact Commissioner Bowerman to see .if he is interested. <br /> Motion by Commissioner Bjorklund and seconded by Commissioner Jones <br /> to ajourn the meeting at 9 : 35 P.M. <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Helen Crowe, Secretary <br /> • <br />