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-8- <br /> Eugene <br /> 8- <br /> Eugene Krell , 1219.7 Olive -Street, Coon Rapids, MN, the owner,of the Auto .Traac was <br /> 2 present to 'find out why he had -been told .years ago he could not have any more <br /> 3 signage than he had on his building which set back further than many of the <br /> 4 businesses on 37th Avenue. N.E. Mr. Childs told him that the Sign Ordinance had <br /> 5 been revised since that time and he is probably entitled to more signage now. The <br /> 6 Auto Traac owner told Mr. -Flaherty he doesn't plan to take the dairy store building <br /> 7 down yet and he doesn 't believe there is enough room between the two buildings to <br /> 8 drive a car through. He was also skeptical about the possibility of stacking seven <br /> 9 cars on the east side. <br /> 10 <br /> 11 Mr. Flaherty told him he planned to park the cars diagonally into the property line <br /> 12 and indicated he would make the building a drive-through if parking is inadequate <br /> 13 on the site. He reiterated his plans to talk to NSP to .see if the lot behind him =� <br /> 14 couldn't be filled in to create parking space for employees and thereby get better <br /> 15 utqlization of the lot- lines. <br /> 16 <br /> 17 The hearing was closed at 9:35 P.M. <br /> 18 <br /> 19 Commissioner Wagner commented that he did not perceive that corner to be a high <br /> 20 speed area and indicated .he doubted the need for a pylon sign the size Mr. Flaherty <br /> 21 was requesting. The Chair agreed, saying the visibility on ,that corner would be <br /> 22 improved with the reconstruction of County Road D. E` <br /> 23 <br /> 24 Commissioner Hansen indicated he would oppose a larger sign than permitted by the <br /> 25 'Sign Ordinance and said he believes the power lines would be dug underground with <br /> 26 the reconstruction of County Road D. The Commissioner was also ." skepticalabout E <br /> •27 - the need for greater visibility. <br /> 28 <br /> 29 Commissioner Bjorklund stated that he would abstain on the vote because of a possible <br /> 30 conflict of interest if he had done any appraisal work for the. app.licant's company. <br /> 31 <br /> 32 The Manager told Commissioner Franzese the signage for Jet Gas and the Amaco station <br /> 33. across Silver Lake Road -had been grandfathered in as non-conforming uses with the <br /> 34 new Sign Ordinance. <br /> 35 <br /> 36 Commissioner- Bowerman indicated he had always been troubled about gasoline stations <br /> 37 being singled out for pylon signs when no other business .is permitted to have <br /> 38 one. He said he is personally opposed to all pylon signs and would not want to <br /> 39 see any larger than the Ordinance now permits. Loosening the restrictions -for_ <br /> 40 this firm would leave the City vulnerable to more requests for larger:_� signs,._ the <br /> 41 Commissioner said, -and he stated that he would rather see an adjustment made to <br /> 42 permit two wall signs than to approve a larger pylon sign. <br /> 44 Commissioner Franzese said she shared the concerns of the other Commissioners. <br /> 45 <br /> 46 The Chair indicated he perceived the Commission had tightened up the restrictions _+ <br /> 47 on pylon signs hoping to get rid of them altogether. He agreed the visibility on y <br /> 48 that corner would be improved and told Mr. Flaherty, "If you cut down some of the <br /> 49 trees behind you, you'll improve your line of sight" . <br /> 50 <br /> 5.1 Motion by Chairman Zawislak and seconded by Commissioner Wagner_. to recommend the <br /> 52 Council not permit. Rapid Oil Change, Inc. , to erect a :pyl"on_-sign=on their property <br /> 53 at 3001 - 37th Avenue N.E. , any larger than the 50 square feet permitted for that <br /> 5 4 type of sign by the City Sign Ordinance, but to grant the service center the <br /> 55 variance necessary .to utilize 114 square feet permitted for the building for .two <br /> 56 signs with location of the signs to be at Mr. Flaherty's discretion. <br />