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PL MINUTES 06181985
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Planning Commission Minutes
PL MINUTES 06181985
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PL MINUTES 06181985
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-4- <br /> • 1 and said it would be no problem to .remove that signage; :,i-f that's what..the City <br /> 2 wants. The applicant told Chair F.ranzese 'he antici-pates no problems with the <br /> 3 runoff from the second addition, since the drainage system on the site had been <br /> 4 designed to meet the Rice Creek Watershed District's requirements which differed <br /> 5 from the City's at the time the first. addi,tion was constructed. <br /> 6 <br /> 7 Although he recognized, as stated by Commissioner Bjorklund, that the industrial <br /> 8 standard for a typical mini=warehouse was to have -the facility .fenced in, Mr. <br /> 9 Blanske said there are other states which are not fenced in. The petitioner <br /> 10 said he perceived fences to be' unnecessary. since he lives next door and provides <br /> 11 surveillance of, these units 95% of the time, and the City police patrol the area <br /> 12 every night. The facility owner indicated -he believed Commissioner Bjorklund's <br /> 13 concerns about unauthori.zed persons getti'ng' into the warehouse units at night <br /> 14 were unfounded since the facility is secured each night at 9:00 P.M. by both <br /> 15 deadbolt locks -and padlocks and no .access is permitted onto' the property or cars. <br /> 16 allowed to park there at -ni,ght. He perceived a partial fence would just provide <br /> 17 a good hiding place and said he has never 'had. a� problem while he has heard that <br /> .18 facilities which are fenced have been broken into. The Manager agreed, saying <br /> 19 the City Police would rather be able to drive around the property and disliked <br /> 20 fences because they prohibited them from seeing all -around buildings. <br /> 21 <br /> 22 Mr. Blanske told Commissioner Bjorklund he would not have to be told to provide a <br /> 2.3- fence if he started to have break-ins -in his facility and the petitioner concluded <br /> 24 by saying his had always been a "clean operation-- .' -with no problems for the City <br /> 25 because' he had always delivered on all ,his promises, and more". Commissioner <br /> 26 Madden, who lives a 'half block away, agreed. <br /> • 27 <br /> 28 No one else spoke for or against the proposal and the hearing was closed at 8:27 P.M. <br /> 29 for Commission -deve-l:opment of a motion- to the Council . <br /> 30 <br /> 31 Mr:. Childs was absent from the room during most of the discussion which preceded <br /> 32 the motion. <br /> 33 <br /> 34 Commissioner Bjorklund indicated he found the existing facility to be a clean, non- <br /> 35 offensive- type of use which generated *litt-le or no traffic on that deadend <br /> 36 street. and he recognized the parcel had both unique terrain and topography, but <br /> 37 he indicated he still persisted in the belief that if gates were installed, there <br /> 38 would be necessity for less po'l'ice involvement in, and City responsibility for, <br /> 39 the security of--the buildings: He wanted the approval made. contingent upon the <br /> 40 removal of the sign from the truck/trai-ler; guidelines set to prevent access to <br /> 41 the property- or the internal hallways-after dark; and finally, the installation of <br /> 42 gates on the project. <br /> 43 <br /> 44 Commissioner, Wagner indicated he foresaw- gates would create more problems than <br /> 45 they .would solve. - Commissioner-Madden said he perceived a real advantage in having <br /> 46 the police swing completely around the structures during their patrols of that <br /> 47 area, and the Chair indicated she wanted to accept the staff's recommendation <br /> 4 g against fences- since-it appeared there -had been no problems without them to date. <br /> 49 Commissioner Bjork'lund. r.esponded by saying it had been his intention to guarantee <br /> 50 it would stay that way, even if the ownership of the facility should change in - <br /> 51 the future. <br /> • 52 <br /> 53 Motion by Commissioner Bjorklund and seconded by Commissioner Wagner to recommend <br /> 54 the Council- grant Bernard Blanske a seven foot variance from the City Zoning <br /> 55 Ordinance requirement for a 40 foot setback from Sunset Lane, which would allow <br />
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