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PL MINUTES 07161985
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Planning Commission Minutes
PL MINUTES 07161985
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PL MINUTES 07161985
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-3- <br /> 1 all utility easements in the final document,. just as they had, requested, and he <br /> • 2 con f4 that the City would now have access to, but not ownership of, those <br /> 3 easements. <br /> 4 <br /> 5 Commissioner Jones indicated he believed the existing heavy overhead utility <br /> 5 lines servicing that property would detract .from the -appearance and value of the <br /> 7 homes to be built there. It was his contention that these 'l,ines and the lines <br /> if 8 servicing the individual `lots should._ be placed underground. He was, referred to <br /> 9 page 9 of the February Commission minutes which reported the developer 's re- <br /> 10 sponse to the same suggestion from Commissioner Hansen, "that the lines are <br /> 11 already in on Edward and the -homeowners would have the option of having service <br /> 12 run underground to their property at a higher charge" . <br /> 13 <br /> 14 The Manager said- when he had put the same, question to-'the' NSP Representative, <br /> 15 he had been told changing, those lines wou'ld.just not be cost effective. Mr. <br /> 16 Childs said the NSP posit-ion-,-had seemed reasonable at that time because the same <br /> 17 representative had 'been most .cooperattve in providing underground lines to the <br /> 18 Hertog property, which is also being redeveloped. When -Commissioner Jones <br /> 19 questioned whether such heavy- duty lines would now be necessary since both <br /> 20 florist businesses are gone, the Manager speculated that those lines also serviced <br /> 21 the area of 33rd Avenue N.E. , and Commissioner Bjorklund told Commissioner Jones, <br /> 22 "florist shops don't normally -use a lot of electricity". <br /> 23 <br /> 24 Commissioner Jones said he found such heavy overhead lines in front of residences <br /> 25 to be "obnoxious and ludicrous in a new development and said he perceived it <br /> 26 should be the City' s- responsibility to; protect- future buyers of those lots from <br /> • <br /> 27 having their properties downgraded' in this manner. He also .pointed out the <br /> 28 potential danger to a child if one of those heavy lines is knocked down in the <br /> 29 type of storm that area experienced' a.year ago: The Commissioner was also <br /> 30 certain the City's Comprehensive Plan- called for underground service to all new <br /> 31 projects. <br /> 32 <br /> 33 The Chair commented -that the buyers who had already been found for two of the <br /> 34 Johnson lots must have seen -the high wires which would run in front of their <br /> 35 homes before they agreed to purchase that property, but she indicated she per- <br /> 36 ceived Commissioner Jones might have a point about the potential for danger <br /> 37 from a falling wire. <br /> 38 <br /> 39 Commissioner Bjorklund said he certainly agreed with Commissioner Jones that it <br /> 40 would be preferable not to have those heavy wires running in front of the project, <br /> 41 especially since he has seen -how new developments are built in other municipalities. <br /> 42 However, he wondered if the Johnson project could be considered a "big project" <br /> 43 as compared to the ones he was referring to. Commissioner Bjorklund indicated <br /> 44 he perceived it might be a real financial burden to force the developer to pay <br /> 45 for the cost of putting the existing lines underground if NSP refuses to do so. <br /> 46 . Commissioner Jones wondered' if that cost would be quite so heavy if the cost <br /> 47 of the lots were taken into consideration. Mr. Childs said he would contact the <br /> 48 utility company again. <br /> 49 <br /> 50 Motion by Commissioner Bjorklund and seconded by Commissioner Bowerman to <br /> 51 recommend Council approval of the final platting for Johnson Manor, a nine lot <br /> • 52 and two outlots subdivision between 33rd and 34th Avenues N.E. , east of Edward <br /> 53 Street, as presented in the final plat for the project,.. at the same time mention- <br /> 54 ing that, although there. was significant concern expres`sed- during the Commission <br /> 55 consideration that all utility lines which serviced the project should be <br />
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