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PL MINUTES 05201986
Parks & Planning Commission
Planning Commission Minutes
PL MINUTES 05201986
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12/30/2015 5:55:34 PM
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PL MINUTES 05201986
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-5- <br /> • 1 3. No one expressed opposition to the proposed change either to staff prior to <br /> 2 the hearing or during the hearing on the reclassification. <br /> 3 <br /> 4 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 5 <br /> 6 The request for a setback variance for a garage at 2528 Murray Avenue N.E . was <br /> 7 deferred until the applicant had arrived and the Commission instead took up <br /> 8 #6 in the agenda, a report from the Manager on research he had done related to a <br /> 9 possible ordinance change -which-would permit .'.'zero lot line" zoning for duplexes . <br /> 10 Mr. Childs had included in the agenda packet pertinent ordinance sections from <br /> 11 New Brighton, Coon Rapids, Minneapolis, and Brooklyn Park and he said he per= <br /> 12 ceived the latter might best fit the intent of the City in this regard, with <br /> 13 perhaps the inclusion of the section from the Coon Rapids ordinance which pro- <br /> 14 hibits the installation of fence and shrubbery dividers on the common front yard <br /> 15 boundaries, <br /> 16 <br /> 17 The Manager,,-sa,id he would develop and advertise the ordinance and return i.t to <br /> 18 the Commissioners for their approval at the same time he would provide samples <br /> .19 of Declaration of Covenants for their selection to be distributed along with the <br /> 20 ordinance whenever a duplex split sale is contemplated. Mr. Childs told Com- <br /> 21 missi.oner -Wereni,cz he would also research his questions about the City's <br /> 22 enforcement of the Covenant. <br /> 23 <br /> 24 At 8;35 P.M. the hearing was opened to consider a request from Robert D. Tokar. , <br /> 25 2528 Murray Avenue N.E. , for an approximate one foot variance to the ordinance <br /> 26 setback regulations for detached garages which would allow Mr. Tokar to replace <br /> 27 the 35 year old, 14- X 22 foot-garage on the alley between Murray Avenue and <br /> • . <br /> 28 St. A.nthony Boulevard wi;th 'the standard 22 X 24 foot double garage Sussel <br /> 29 builds, using_ the same' location for the new structure. <br /> 30 <br /> 31 The noti.ce. of the hearing, which had been published May 6th and mailed to all <br /> 32 property owners of record within 200 .feet of the subject property, was read <br /> 33 aloud by the Chair, who got no response to her question whether anyone present <br /> 34 failed to receive the notice or objected to its content or top the variance itself. <br /> 35 <br /> 36 The agenda packet included .copies of-Mr. Tokar'-s application, his letter support- <br /> 37 ing the request and a copy of the 1953 survey of the property on which the pro- <br /> 38 posed garage had been -sketched. Copies of the petition signed by eleven of <br /> 39 Mr. Tokar, 's closest neighbors indicating they would not oppose the City granting <br /> ' 40 the variance necessary-for- "the project had been distributed before the meeting . <br /> i 41 <br /> 42 The Manager reiterated as stated in his May 13th memorandum, that detached garages <br /> 43 only required 3 foot setbacks''and the garage itself would probably meet the <br /> 44 ordinance requirements but the one foot wide overhang would encroach into the <br /> 45 setback and would require a variance. - He also reiterated that a problem with <br /> 46 the original surveys along that street had resulted in most of the garages being <br /> 47 constructed either three feet or less from the property lines, as Mr. Tokar had <br /> 48 explained in his application. <br /> 49 <br /> 50 The applicant told the Commissioners the 12 inch overhang comes with all Sussel <br /> 51 garages and he perceived that might be more appropriate for a larger garage. <br /> • 52 He also said he perceivedi,t would be much harder for him to get into his garage <br /> -53 if his driveway .had to be shortened to conform to the ordinance. Mr. Tokar said <br /> 54 he had "learned to live" with- his neighbor's garage to the east being right on <br /> 55 his lot line and the one on the other side encroaching on his property and his <br /> 56 request was for the City to "leave things just as they have been for the last <br /> 57 thirty years" . <br />
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