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PL MINUTES 07151986
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Planning Commission Minutes
PL MINUTES 07151986
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PL MINUTES 07151986
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• 1 Mr. Childs then indicated he perceived his sketch in the agenda packet differed <br /> 2 from the notice of the hearing description when it came to the distances the <br /> 3 pump islands would be moved. Mr. Graff said the notice had been correct when it <br /> 4 stated the northernmost island would be moved three feet farther north and the <br /> 5 south island would be relocated two feet farther north than they are now. <br /> 6 <br /> 7 The Manager told the Commissioners the station owner had redrawn his plans to make <br /> 8 the canopy slightly longer and to bring it within 9=1/2 feet of the property line <br /> 9 rather than the seven feet originally proposed and Mr. Childs said the new request <br /> 10 would require a 30 foot 6 inch variance for the canopy and a 19 foot 6 inch variance <br /> 11 for the pumps. Mr. Graff said he could no longer get insurance for the existing <br /> 12 pumps because of tank leakage and he needed to spread the islands farther apart <br /> 13 so he could offer both "self service" and "full service" to his customers . The <br /> 14 applicant indicated he perceived the changes would not interfere with traffic or <br /> 15 create a line of sight problem for drivers on either County Road C or Highway 88. <br /> 16 Commissioner Bowerman agreed tthat the proposed changes in Mr. Graff's "somewhat.- <br /> 17 isolated location" between Anthony Lane and Highway 88 should. have no adverse <br /> 18 impact on his neighbors ' businesses because nothing could be built on either side <br /> 19 of his station. Mr. Graff told the Chair Pro Tem he would be replacing all his <br /> 20 existing tanks and pumps with the exception of the diesel pump which was compara- <br /> 21 tively new. He also told Commissioner Jones all the road surfaces in front of the <br /> 22 station would be replaced and he hoped the increased revenues he is expecting with <br /> 23 the changes would permit him to upgrade the surfaces of the parking areas to the <br /> 24 rear and north side of the station. He would also be replacing the lighting in <br /> 25 keeping with the other improvements' of the station, Mr. Graff said. <br /> 26 <br /> • 27 There was no one present to speak against the proposal and the hearing was closed <br /> 28 at 7:55 P.M. for development of a recommendation to the Council . <br /> 29 <br /> 30 Motion by Commissioner Bowerman and seconded by Commissioner Jones to recommend the <br /> 31 Council grant Richard Graff dba Murphy's Service Center, Inc. at 3501 - 29th <br /> 32 Avenue N.E. (County Road 'C). the necessary variances from setback regulations for <br /> 33 industrial classification within the Zoning Ordinance which requires a 40 foot <br /> 34 front yard setback for structures located in that classification which would <br /> 35 allow the property owner to erect a 36 foot X 47 foot canopy over the existing <br /> 36 gas pumps, 9-1/2 feet from 29th Avenue property line and to relocate the existing <br /> 37 gas pumps on the southernmost islands 20-1/2 feet from the south property line to <br /> 38 the center of the pump islands at the same time as both sets of pumps are spread <br /> 39 far enough apart to provide adequate spacing for the types of customer service <br /> 40 the station owner indicates he desires to offer his customers . In recommending <br /> 41 these variances be granted, the Planning Commission finds that: <br /> 42 <br /> 43 1 . Because this property is classified fora light industrial zone, the setback <br /> 44 restrictions are more stringent than they would be.for the same type of <br /> 45 property located in a commercial zone; <br /> 46 <br /> 47 2. The business was initiated prior to the inception of the existing Zoning <br /> i <br /> 48 Ordinance; <br /> 49 <br /> 50 3. Sight lines between adjacent properties should not be a. necessary considera- <br /> 51 tion for this property which is bounded by Anthony Lane on the east and by the <br /> • 52 right turn onto Highway 88 on the west. <br />! 53 <br /> 54 4. The proposed improvements would enhance the aesthetic appearance of that corner <br /> 55 and would provide weather protection for the station's customers; and <br />
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