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PL MINUTES 10181994
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Planning Commission Minutes
PL MINUTES 10181994
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PL MINUTES 10181994
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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> • October 18, 1994 <br /> Page 2 <br /> 1 They purchased this much acreage so as not to get landlocked and to have access directly off <br /> 2 Silver Lake Road. The building will be approximately 75,000 square feet. <br /> 3 Mr.Narlock explained that a 0' lot line is required rather than the required 60' area separation, as <br /> 4 CUB would like to be constructed directly adjacent to the existing mall. A 60' lot line setback <br /> 5 would be a hardship to CUB as it would not leave enough room for CUB to be constructed and it <br /> 6 would not allow access to Silver Lake Road. A 0' lot line would also allow enough room in the <br /> 7 rear of the building to keep truck traffic from encroaching on any other property. He showed that <br /> 8 they intend to buffer the loading dock with landscaping versus a physical partition and also <br /> 9 landscape along the south of the building. He submitted a photograph of the Maple Grove CUB <br /> 10 Foods, as this building is similar in design to the exterior of the proposed building. He stated <br /> 11 CUB would be using earth-tone colors which would blend in with the main mall structure. It <br /> 12 would be constructed of concrete mason unit block with a glass entryway. A proposed utility <br /> 13 plan has been submitted. The water line around the existing structure would stay about the same. <br /> 14 The attached roof drainage would be directed to the existing storm sewers which would stay <br /> 15 intact. The site drainage would be diverted to detention ponds. He submitted a floor plan which <br /> 16 included a deli, a stepped-up perishable department, and a seating area for people to eat on the <br /> 17 premises. <br /> In response to Gondorchin's question,Narlock stated that the configuration of the Maple Grove <br /> 19 store was similar to that of the proposed CUB Food store. The size of the Maple Grove store is <br /> 20 88,000 square feet but the department locations are similar. <br /> 21 Makowske questioned what the area in the northwest corner would be used for and also the 44 <br /> 22 parking spaces towards the south. <br /> 23 Narlock explained that the northwest area would be used for a truck turnaround. Delivery trucks <br /> 24 will be able to enter from Silver Lake Road,circle around building perimeter access road and <br /> 25 back up to the loading docks. This will keep their trucks on their property at all times. The area <br /> 26 in the south would currently be used for employee parking but in the future, may be used for <br /> 27 expansion, based on the needs of the consumers. <br /> 28 Faust questioned if they anticipated traffic only from the east and asked if there would be direct <br /> 29 pedestrian access to the existing mall. <br /> 30 Narlock explained that they did anticipate traffic also from the west and that there was signage to <br /> 31 invite consumers on that side. There was also signage on the back of the building. There is no <br /> 32 signage on the south side as the store is not visible from that side of the mall. There will be no <br /> 33 direct pedestrian access to the mall. There will however,be a sidewalk which connects to an <br /> 34 entrance of the mall which is exposed. <br /> •5 Bergstrom questioned what type of lighting would be used on the exterior of the building. <br /> g <br />
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