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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> November 15, 1994 <br /> Page 11 <br /> 1 Kirk Larson, 3509 Maplewood Drive, spoke of memories of Apache first being built. In the last <br /> 2 few years he has watched it die. He feels that we now have an opportunity to bring it back, so <br /> 3 let's do it. <br /> 4 Karen Benson, 3208 Roosevelt Street, stated that she as a mother, is in total support of this <br /> 5 project. She feels that Apache has recently become a hangout for kids. She said there is nothing <br /> 6 in the community for jobs for teenagers and children. She is hopeful that these businesses will <br /> 7 come in and provide jobs for the kids. <br /> 8 Geraldine Shaughnessy, 3113 36th Avenue, stated that she is in total support of Knox and CUB <br /> 9 and feels that the project is long overdue. Apache used to be a beautiful center. She is excited to <br /> 10 get it back and get it going. She stated she has noticed kids hanging out there and loitering. She <br /> 11 feels Apache will become an eyesore if nothing is done. <br /> 12 Betty Spano, 3323 Garfield Street N.E., spoke as employee of Apache Plaza. She stated that the <br /> 13 community really depends on a center like this. A lot of people in the area would not be able,to <br /> 14 take advantageof a mall situation if it was not as accessible as Apache. She is in support of <br /> 15 CUB and Knox coming into the Mall. <br /> James Hoska, 3209 31st Avenue N.E., stated that he moved into the village 10 years ago and at <br /> 17 that time, Apache was prospering. In the last few years, he has seen it die on the vine. He <br /> 18 became very excited when he heard that CUB and Knox were coming into the mall. He <br /> 19 expressed his approval of the project. He has seen kids loitering at the mall and feels that with <br /> 20 new jobs coming into the mall, it will benefit our children. <br /> 21 Sherry Hanson, 3530 Skycroft Drive, states that she agrees with everything everyone has said. <br /> 22 She asked that it be considered to have doorways coming into the mall from both stores. <br /> 23 Jeanette Dick, 3519 N.E. Harding, a 25 year resident of St. Anthony, is wondering if the persons <br /> 24 who are in opposition to the water run-off into Silver Lake have also questioned Wexford <br /> 25 Heights, Silver Lake Camp, all the other businesses in the area, and considered the water run-off <br /> 26 from Silver Lake Road. She also questioned how many residents around the lake use Chemlawn <br /> 27 or other chemicals that run into the lake. She expressed that she was in favor of the project and <br /> 28 that she feels it will bring a lot into the area. <br /> 29 Rob Lundeen, 3912 Fordham Drive, asked if Silver Lake Road was going to be widened and <br /> 30 expressed concern that the run-off from Tom Thumb into Silver Lake was heavy. <br /> 31 Public Works Director, Larry Hamer, stated that they are going to change the pondage in the <br /> 32 Salvation Army Camp and the end of construction will be approximately 300 feet north of Silver <br /> Lane. <br />