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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> November 15, 1994 <br /> Page 5 <br /> 1 <br /> 2 Mayor Ranallo reported the key dates concerning the Apache Redevelopment Project. <br /> 3 January 3. 1992 - The Mayor and City Council received a letter from Pat Groeper of Supervalu <br /> 4 to express CUB's commitment to St. Anthony. <br /> 5 January 17. 1992 - The City received a request from C. G. Rein to provide tax increment funding <br /> 6 (TIF) assistance for the renovation of Apache Plaza. A discussion was held on eligible TIF costs. <br /> 7 The City directed C. G.Rein to work with Rice Creek Watershed District to improve water <br /> 8 quality. The City also discussed structuring the TIF so the City wouldn't lose Local Government <br /> 9 Aid (LGA) estimated at$260,000. <br /> 10 January 28, 1992 - The City filed a petition with Rice Creek Watershed District to undertake a <br /> 11 watershed improvement. The staff of Rice Creek informed City staff that it is very unlikely that <br /> 12 the district will fund the improvement, and therefore, the City and Watershed District agree not <br /> 13 to proceed with the petition. <br /> 14 February 19 and June 24, 1992 - Two letters were received from Jerry Gilligan, City Attorney to <br /> 15 City Manager, Mayor and Councilmembers summarizing how the TIF project will work and <br /> 16 advising them that the issue of storm water run-off had been raised with C. G. Rein and they had <br /> 17 been made aware that this needed to be addressed. <br /> 18 August 18, 1992 - The Planning Commission reviewed the Apache Redevelopment and discusses <br /> TIF. The Planning Commission was in support of the project and discussed the importance of <br /> improved water quality for Silver Lake and what was required to improve the quality. C. G. Rein <br /> 21 sent a letter to the City Manager stating the firm was currently working with Rice Creek <br /> 22 Watershed District. <br /> 23 August 25. 1992 - A Public Hearing was held by the City Council on the TIF Plan and the TIF <br /> 24 Plan was adopted. Improved storm water run-off was made as one of the objectives of the Plan <br /> 25 by the Mayor and Councilmembers. <br /> 26 January. 1993 -Pat Groeper of SuperValu submitted a letter to the City reaffirming SuperValu's <br /> 27 commitment to build a CUB Food store in St. Anthony. <br /> 28 February 24. 1993 - Storm water plan was submitted to Rice Creek Watershed for the installation <br /> 29 of 13 skimming devices on the 52 acre site which was in excess of what was required. The <br /> 30 Watershed District stressed that redevelopment does not change the existing site as to more <br /> 31 impervious surface. <br /> 32 March 23. 1993 - City held second Public Hearing on amendments to the TIF Plan for <br /> 33 redevelopment of Apache Plaza. At this point the Council agreed to extend the payback of the <br /> 34 TIF plan to 15 years. <br /> 35 April 21, 1993 - The City filed the Apache TIF Plan with Ramsey County. The City at that time <br /> 36 said that it would spend $250,000 in water quality improvements. <br /> 37 November 8. 1993 - City held a Special Council meeting with the Silver Lake Homeowners to <br /> 38 discuss drainage into Silver Lake from Wexford Heights, Silver Lake Road, and Columbia <br /> 39 Heights drainage. Steve Wood of the Rice Creek Watershed District, Ramsey County, Salvation <br /> 40 Army Camp, Columbia Heights and New Brighton Engineers were all in attendance. Ponds were <br /> & discussed for CUB Foods at Apache Plaza but there was no firm proposal at that time. At this <br /> 42 meeting it was determined that the diversion to Mear Lake was not feasible. The.City Council <br /> 43 informed Steve Wood that ponds would be better than skimmers for Apache. <br />