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PL MINUTES 11171998
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Planning Commission Minutes
PL MINUTES 11171998
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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> • November 17, 1998 <br /> Page 9 <br /> prior to the joint meeting, and in the course of that meeting as well as with the assistance of data <br /> provided by City staff, Mr. Krier theorized the shopping center could thrive in conjunction with <br /> the Apache area and the Quarry instead of against them. She added the results of that meeting <br /> will be summarized for the Commission. <br /> Gondorchin stated it was obvious where the meeting was headed, and expressed his <br /> disappointment in that respect. He added the efforts seem to be an attempt to delay the inevitable <br /> demise of the shopping center. He expressed concern that the rights of citizens be paramount to <br /> the assurance of income for retailers, and questioned the marketing data presented by Mr. Krier. <br /> Ms. Moore-Sykes stated each retailer provided Mr.'Krier with a map identifying their market <br /> area. Makowske stated Mr. Krier seemed to be following his directive to determine whether a <br /> retail environment is viable and how to achieve that. <br /> Bergstrom encouraged the Commission to continue to think about the potential renovation of the <br /> shopping center, adding this opportunity will require more than incremental planning. <br /> • Kaczor stated the parking situation on 33rd Avenue is confusing and needs to be addressed to <br /> provide consistency for pedestrians and Central Park playground users as well as people parking <br /> their cars. Ms. Moore-Sykes agreed to bring the issue to the attention of Jay Hartman. <br /> Makowske requested clarification with regard to plans for a movie theater in Apache Plaza. Ms. <br /> Moore-Sykes stated the idea is getting a lot of consideration and seems to be a viable plan. She <br /> stated the proposed theater would require City Council approval immediately to be built in 1999. <br /> Makowske asked whether the Planning Commission would need to consider traffic and parking <br /> issues. Ms. Moore-Sykes stated the theater developers indicated parking will not be an issue due <br /> to a marketing strategy whereby the theater only sells out 80%of the theaters. She added traffic <br /> will not be affected as movies do not begin and end during traditional rush hours. <br /> Bergstrom stated the dumpster outside Smart Stop has not been removed since noted by Kaczor <br /> in the Commission's October 20, 1998 meeting. Ms. Moore-Sykes agreed to brief Chief Johnson <br /> on the City's arrangement with the retailer. <br /> Thompson stated he had visited Silver Point Park during construction and was dismayed to learn <br /> of the destruction of 5 mature trees. He expressed concern that the storm water management <br /> efforts will create many more problems for the City. He advised the cessation of storm water <br /> renovations until the Silver Point Park project is proven successful. <br /> • X. ADJOURNMENT. <br /> Motion by Makowske, second by Bergstrom to adjourn the meeting at 9:15 P.M. <br />
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