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PL MINUTES 06202000
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Planning Commission Minutes
PL MINUTES 06202000
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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> June 20, 2000 <br /> Page 13 <br /> • <br /> 1 Isom clarified that the owner of the property needed to forward a letter to Staff stating that the <br /> 2 Church can act on behalf of the owner. After that process, an application must be submitted for <br /> 3 rezoning.and would require three readings before the City Council. Due to the nature of the matter, <br /> 4 Isom noted it would not be likely that City Manager would waive the first two readings. <br /> 5 Bergstrom acknowledged that the next step would be to work with the property owner and put <br /> 6 together an application for rezoning. Isom stated that he would provide the application and it would <br /> 7 be up to Mr. Arrigoni to decide how to present the issue. <br /> 8 Chair Bergstrom thanked Mr.Arrigoni and the members of the Church for attending the meeting and <br /> 9 providing input. <br /> 10 5. Concept Review: 3813 Stinson Boulevard NE. <br /> 11 Chair Bergstrom requested a report from Staff. <br /> 12 Assistant City Manager Isom explained the issue of building a Fuel Mart Car Wash on the property <br /> 13 at 3813 Stinson Boulevard,NE and is zoned C. This would require a permit for conditional use. <br /> 14 Since the owners own the adjacent commercial property(Fuel Mart),if the Commission wishes,they <br /> 15 would be willing to combine the two lots into one. If the lots are combined, then it would also <br /> �16 require a Declaration of Restrictions. <br /> 'f7 Chair Bergstrom introduced Mr. Charles F. Habiger, HKS Associates, in attendance to represent <br /> 18 Hadi and Roger Abou-Mourad. Messrs. Abou-Mourad wished to build a cash wash and have <br /> 19 submitted an application to that extent. <br /> 20 Regarding watershed issues, Mr. Habiger stated that the site, under the RCWD,has to be 2'/z acres <br /> 21 and within 1,000 feet of a protected wetland, or the site is located in the flood plain. Additionally, <br /> 22 the site is not increasing the amount of impervious surfaces. <br /> 23 Mr. Habiger stated that, if approval is received, construction would start almost immediately. <br /> 24 Regarding consolidation of the two parcels of property, it is his understanding that there are two <br /> 25 separate mortgages by two different lending institutions, and at some point, there could be one <br /> 26 financing package that would cover both parcels. Consolidation could be accomplished if the City <br /> 27 Council and Planning Commission so desire. <br /> 28 Tillmann inquired if there was enough business in that area to support another car wash. <br /> 29 Mr. Habiger stated that the other facilities are somewhat different. One of the other facilities is a <br /> 30 full-service car wash, and the other is a self-service car wash, and what Messrs. Abou-Mourad are <br /> 31 proposing is a drive-through car wash. <br /> Thomas mentioned that the building proposed is not aesthetically pleasing and he was not sure that <br /> the building was compatible with what is proposed for the area. He personally felt that a restaurant <br />
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