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PL PACKET 02151983
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PL PACKET 02151983
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PL PACKET 02151983
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-2- <br /> for the area where the bowling alley and oriental restaurant are now. <br /> The planner said he had told the Eberhardt representative the City <br /> would consider using revenue bonds for the commercial development and <br /> intends to reapply for 202 funding for the senior project. He agreed with <br /> Commissioner Ranallo that it couldn ' t hurt to have the City make <br /> personal contact with the Washington , D.C. H.U.D. officials , but <br /> indicated he personally perceives Senator Durenberger, because, of his <br /> interest in local government, might be the best source of help . <br /> Although most of the developers he has contacted have told him they <br /> are undertaking the whole redevelopment project at the same time would <br /> be a big chunk for them to bite off , Mr. Krier reported on of these , <br /> Kraus Anderson, had demonstrated an interest in joining with a <br /> residential builder to develop the whole project. The planning con- <br /> sultant gave the names of developers he anticipates would submit <br /> proposals and said none of the smaller firms had been discouraged <br /> from making a proposal even if only for phase 1 because there is <br /> always the possibility they might be coupled with a larger firm later <br /> in the process . <br /> The Secretary/Treasurer indicated he would like to attend the March <br /> conference in Washington , D.C. where he could utilize some of the <br /> political contacts he made during his campaign to lobby for the 202 <br /> funding for the senior project. The Vice Chairman saw the conference <br /> as an opportunity for better educating himself for the position he <br /> holds in the H. R.A. The Mayor said one of the advantages he sees for <br /> contacting H .U. D. officials personally would be to at least "find out <br /> what the ground rules might be for getting funding" . It was agreed <br /> that one advantage the City might have was that the project would have <br /> both the support of a Democrat Congressman , P7artin Sabo , and a <br /> Republican Senator, Dave Durenberger. <br /> Councilman Enrooth indicated that, although he had initially shared <br /> some of the doubts his fellow officials had expressed about the value <br /> of conferences , he had come to believe as he perceives they have , that <br /> such meetings serve as relatively inexpensive educational tools where <br /> the information provided cannot be gotten elsewhere . He said he would <br /> like to attend the conference in New Orleans next year . <br /> Mr. Bjorklund noted the invaluable information lie had gotten about <br /> associated housing and other planning issues at the land use and plan- <br /> ning seminar he attended in November and the general consensus was <br /> that Planning Commission members should also be encouraged to attend <br /> as many planning seminars as possible to become better educated for <br /> their duties on the Commission. <br /> Motion by Secretary/Treasurer Marks and seconded by Commissioner <br /> Enrooth to adjourn the meeting at 9 : 55 P.M. with a heartfelt wish for <br /> a Merry Christmas for their fellow H.R.A: members as well as for the <br /> staff and the entire City . <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Helen Crowe , Secretary <br />
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